I've been trying to launch an email from a DOS command line using the string shown below. The Microsoft Outlook version is 2013, OS is Windows 7.
The command works without the variables, %subj% and %site%; I've tried various permutations, ie. %subj% %%subj ^%subj% ^%subj^% \%subj%, none of which work.
Code: Select all
@echo off
echo Mail test
set /p subj= Enter SubjectID:
set /p site= Enter Decription:
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\outlook.exe" /c ipm.note /m "tester1@gmail.com; tester2@gmail.com&subject=New subject %subj%&body=This is a test for a new %site%.
Anybody have an answer?