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Batch Command line game

#1 Post by j0y » 10 Oct 2015 08:28

Hi. I am trying to make a small command line puzzle game and I am trying to put a load feature on it. Here is my code for it:

Code: Select all

if not exist save.sav goto loaderror
< save.sav (
set /p name=
set /p level=
set /p health=
set /p money=
set /p exp=
set /p expmax=
set /p str=
set /p def=
set /p wep=
set /p wepdis=
set /p arm=
set /p armdis=
set /p hpots=
echo Game loaded!
pause >nul
goto main

However it just says: set was not expected at this time, when it "succesfully loads" the game!
How do I fix this?
Please I need help quick because this a homework task and it's due on monday 12/10/15!

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Re: Batch Command line game

#2 Post by penpen » 10 Oct 2015 09:13

Your posted code sniplet is error free.


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Re: Batch Command line game

#3 Post by TheHunterManX » 10 Oct 2015 09:20

Here is some help (change numbers to how you wish):

Code: Select all

@echo off
call :Load
REM Make stuff here!
pause >nul
exit /b 0
echo set name=%name%
echo set level=%level%
echo set health=%health%
echo set money=%money%
echo set exp=%exp%
echo set expmax=%expmax%
echo set str=%str%
echo set def=%def%
echo set wep=%wep%
echo set wepdis=%wepdis%
echo set arm=%arm%
echo set armdis=%armdis%
echo set hpots=%hpots%) >Save.bat
goto main
if exist Save.bat (
goto Loading) else (
goto new)
call Save.bat
echo Game loaded!
pause >nul
goto :EOF
set /p name=What is your name? Type here:
set level=1
set health=30
set money=300
set exp=0
set expmax=100
set str=2
set def=3
set wep=0
set wepdis=0
set arm=0
set armdis=0
set hpots=0
goto Save
Last edited by TheHunterManX on 10 Oct 2015 09:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Batch Command line game

#4 Post by TheHunterManX » 10 Oct 2015 09:25

And btw your code is wrong as it has saving when it is loading and the set /p means to type somthing to set that variable to that somthing you wrote.
Also you should use call and change save.sav to save.bat a you can use:

Code: Select all

call save.bat

When loading. Also it should have saving like this:

Code: Select all

echo set name=%name%)>save.bat

so that the data that has been saved in a file.
EDIT: Mistakes have been made on my behalf, and I am sorry for saying it was wrong, as I have only used this code as it is easier to me. :)
Last edited by TheHunterManX on 10 Oct 2015 09:49, edited 1 time in total.

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Location: Germany

Re: Batch Command line game

#5 Post by penpen » 10 Oct 2015 09:46

TheHunterManX wrote:And btw your code is wrong as it has saving when it is loading and the set /p means to type somthing to set that variable to that somthing you wrote.
You are wrong: The above code is loading data from a file called "save.sav"
This is done by redirecting the STDIN (standard input stream) to a file input stream connected to "save.sav".
So the "set/P" does not read from the shell, but from file, you may test it using this sample "save.sav":

Code: Select all


In addition:
The load-save-implementation may not be replaceable (-> "this is a homework task"), and
there is no real need to change the load-save-implementation, as the loading part is working error free and the save-part is not needed (although i assume there is a working save-part in the homework task, but not contained in the posted code snippet).


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Re: Batch Command line game

#6 Post by Squashman » 10 Oct 2015 11:36

Executing a second batch file just to load the variables is a decent solution but you could save yourself the overhead by doing it differently.

When saving to the SAVED game file you could just do this.

Code: Select all

echo health=%health%
echo money=%money%

Then you could read in the variables like this to load the game.

Code: Select all

FOR /F "TOKENS=1,2 delims==" %%G in (savedgame.txt) DO SET %%G=%%H

You could also set them all on one line without the variable names if you know what order all the variables are in.

Code: Select all

echo "%health","%money%","%level%" >savedgame.txt

Code: Select all

FOR /F "TOKENS=1-3 delims=," %%G in (savedgame.txt) do (
     set health=%%~G
     set money=%%~H
     set level=%%~I

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Re: Batch Command line game

#7 Post by j0y » 10 Oct 2015 12:10

This is what I have tried to do:

Code: Select all

echo set level=%level%
echo set health=%health%
echo set money=%money%
echo set exp=%exp%
echo set expmax=%expmax%
echo set str=%str%
echo set def=%def%
echo set wep=%wep%
echo set wepdis=%wepdis%
echo set arm=%arm%
echo set armdis=%armdis%
echo set hpots=%hpots%
) > save.bat
echo Game Saved!
pause >nul
goto main

Code: Select all

if not exist save.bat goto loaderror
call save.bat
echo Game loaded!
pause >nul
goto main

echo No save file found...
pause >nul
goto menu

I think im getting here but when I tried this it says:
Game Loaded!
Then it says
0 was unexpected at this time
and exits the command prompt :?: :?: :?:

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Re: Batch Command line game

#8 Post by j0y » 10 Oct 2015 12:30

I have also tried using the code the hunter man provided. How do i fix this? I tried opening an earlier version of the prgram and the loading works just fine! :!: :?: :!: :?:

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Re: Batch Command line game

#9 Post by Squashman » 10 Oct 2015 12:32

Hard to troubleshoot a batch file when you are only showing us part of the batch file.

As you were already told, your original CODE had no syntax errors. So the problem with your original code is some where else in your batch file.

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Re: Batch Command line game

#10 Post by j0y » 10 Oct 2015 12:43

Here is all of it currently:

Code: Select all

title AWB
color a
@echo off
color a
echo =========================
echo Arena of the White Bear
echo =========================
echo 1)Start
echo 2)Load
echo 3)Exit
set /p input=Enter:

if %input% == 1 goto start
if %input% == 2 goto load
if %input% == 3 exit
goto menu

set level=1
set health=100
set money=50
set exp=0
set expmax=100
set str=10
set def=0
set wep=0
set wepdis=None
set arm=0
set armdis=None
set hpots=2
set spl=0
set spldis=None
echo Your name is Rosanna. You are a slave, but the Jarl of the North's End has
echo offered you a chance to gain freedom, in exchange you make an interesting and
echo gruesome display in the Arena of the White Bear. Go on, it is your chance,
echo and nothing is going to wrench this away from you.

pause >nul


goto main

if %exp% GEQ %expmax% goto levelup
if %money% LSS 0 set money=0
if %wep% == 1 set wepdis=Whip   
if %wep% == 2 set wepdis=Axe
if %wep% == 3 set wepdis=Greatsword
if %wep% == 4 set wepdis=Bow
if %wep% == 5 set wepdis=Flintlock Pistol
if %wep% == 6 set wepdis=Hunter's Rifle
if %wep% == 1 set str=13
if %wep% == 2 set str=16
if %wep% == 3 set str=19
if %wep% == 4 set str=21
if %wep% == 5 set str=25
if %wep% == 6 set str=30
if %arm% == 1 set armdis=Leather
if %arm% == 2 set armdis=Iron
if %arm% == 3 set armdis=Titanium
if %arm% == 4 set armdis=Werewolf Silver
if %arm% == 1 set def=2
if %arm% == 2 set def=3
if %arm% == 3 set def=5
if %arm% == 4 set def=7
if %spl% == 1 set spldis=Fireball
if %spl% == 2 set spldis=Thunder Bolt
if %spl% == 1 set spl=5
if %spl% == 2 set spl=10
echo AWB
echo -----------------------------------------------
echo Rosanna  Level:%level%   Money:$%money%
echo Hp:%health%/100  Xp:%exp%/%expmax%
echo Weapon:%wepdis%  Armour:%armdis% Spell:%spldis%
echo -----------------------------------------------
echo 1)Fight
echo 2)Shop
echo 3)Save
echo 4)Exit
set /p input=Enter:

if %input% == 1 goto fight1
if %input% == 2 goto shop
if %input% == 3 goto save
if %input% == 4 goto exit
goto main

if not exist Save.bat goto loaderror
< Save.bat (
set /p name=
set /p level=
set /p health=
set /p money=
set /p exp=
set /p expmax=
set /p str=
set /p def=
set /p wep=
set /p wepdis=
set /p arm=
set /p armdis=
set /p hpots=
set /p spl=
set /p spldis=

echo No save file found...
pause >nul
goto menu

set enhealth=70

if %health% GTR 100 set health=100
if %health% LSS 1 goto lose
echo FIGHT
echo -------------------------------------------------
echo Rosanna Hp:%health%/100 Level:%level%
echo Weapon:%wepdis%  Armour:%armdis% Spell:%spldis%
echo -------------------------------------------------
echo Enemy
echo Hp:%enhealth%/70
echo 1) Attack
echo 2) Drink Potion
echo 3) Spell
echo 4) Flee
set /p input=Enter:

if %input% == 1 goto attack
if %input% == 2 goto potion
if %input% == 3 goto spell
if %input% == 4 goto flee
goto fight

set num=%random:~-2%
if %num% GTR %str% goto attack
if %num% LSS 0 goto attack
if %num% == 00 set num=0
if %num% == 01 set num=1
if %num% == 02 set num=2
if %num% == 03 set num=3
if %num% == 04 set num=4
if %num% == 05 set num=5
if %num% == 06 set num=6
if %num% == 07 set num=7
if %num% == 08 set num=0
if %num% == 09 set num=7
echo You take %num% health from
echo the enemy.
pause >nul
set /a enhealth= %enhealth% - %num%
set /a exp= %exp% + %num% * 2
goto enattack

if %enhealth% LSS 1 goto win
set num=%random:~-1%
if %num% GTR 7 goto enattack
if %num% LSS 0 goto enattack
set /a num= %num% - %def%
if %num% LSS 0 set num=0
echo The enemy takes %num% health
echo from you.
pause >nul
set /a health= %health% - %num%
goto fight


set num=%spl%
if %num% GTR %str% goto attack
if %num% LSS 0 goto attack
if %num% == 00 set num=0
if %num% == 01 set num=1
if %num% == 02 set num=2
if %num% == 03 set num=3
if %num% == 04 set num=4
if %num% == 05 set num=5
if %num% == 06 set num=6
if %num% == 07 set num=7
if %num% == 08 set num=0
if %num% == 09 set num=7
echo You cast a spell and take %num% health from
echo the enemy.
pause >nul
set /a enhealth= %enhealth% - %num%
set /a exp= %exp% + %num% * 2
goto enattack

set num=%random:~-2%
if %num% GTR 35 goto win
if %num% LSS 15 goto win
echo Congratulations, you killed
echo the enemy!
echo You found $%num%
pause >nul
set /a money= %money% + %num%
goto main

color c
echo Oh no, you died!
echo You will have to start again! Your save file has been deleted!
del save
pause >nul
goto menu

echo 1)Drink Potion
echo 2)Back
set /p input=Enter:

if %input% == 2 goto fight
if %hpots% LSS 1 set goto nopots
if %input% == 1 set health=%health%
if %input% == 1 set /a hpots= %hpots% - 1
if %input% == 1 set /a health= %health% + 35
if %input% == 1 goto fight
goto potion

echo You have no potions left!
pause >nul
goto fight

echo You run away!
echo -$30
pause >nul
set /a money= %money% - 30
goto main

echo SHOP
echo --------------------------------------
echo Rosanna
echo Money:$%money% Level:%level%
echo --------------------------------------
echo [a)Weapons]b)Armour]c)Potions]d)Spells
echo 1) Whip             $30     Lvl: 1
echo 2) Axe              $70     Lvl: 3
echo 3) Greatsword       $150    Lvl: 6
echo 4) Bow              $200    Lvl: 7
echo 5) Flintlock Pistol $250    Lvl: 7
echo 6) Hunter's Rifle   $300    Lvl: 8
echo 7) Back
set /p input=Enter:

if %input% == 7 goto main
if %input% == a goto shop
if %input% == b goto shop2
if %input% == c goto shop3
if %input% == d goto shop4
if %money% LSS 30 goto nofunds
if %input% == 1 set /a money= %money% - 30
if %input% == 1 set wep=1
if %input% == 1 goto main
if %level% LSS 3 goto nolev
if %money% LSS 70 goto nofunds
if %input% == 2 set /a money= %money% - 70
if %input% == 2 set wep=2
if %input% == 2 goto main
if %level% LSS 6 goto nolev
if %money% LSS 150 goto nofunds
if %input% == 3 set /a money= %money% - 150
if %input% == 3 set wep=3
if %input% == 3 goto main
if %input% == 4 set /a money= %money% - 200
if %input% == 4 set wep=4
if %input% == 4 goto main
if %level% LSS 7 goto nolev
if %money% LSS 200 goto nofunds
if %input% == 5 set /a money= %money% - 250
if %input% == 5 set wep=5
if %input% == 5 goto main
if %level% LSS 7 goto nolev
if %money% LSS 250 goto nofunds
if %input% == 6 set /a money= %money% - 300
if %input% == 6 set wep=6
if %input% == 6 goto main
if %level% LSS 8 goto nolev
if %money% LSS 300 goto nofunds
goto shop

echo SHOP
echo --------------------------------------
echo Rosanna
echo Money:$%money% Level:%level%
echo --------------------------------------
echo [a)Weapons]b)Armour]c)Potions]d)Spells
echo 1) Leather          $50     Lvl: 1
echo 2) Iron             $90     Lvl: 3
echo 3) Titanium         $200    Lvl: 6
echo 4) Werewolf Silver  $275    Lvl: 8
echo 5) Back
set /p input=Enter:

if %input% == 5 goto main
if %input% == a goto shop
if %input% == b goto shop2
if %input% == c goto shop3
if %input% == d goto shop4
if %money% LSS 50 goto nofunds
if %input% == 1 set /a money= %money% - 50
if %input% == 1 set arm=1
if %input% == 1 goto main
if %level% LSS 3 goto nolev
if %money% LSS 90 goto nofunds
if %input% == 2 set /a money= %money% - 90
if %input% == 2 set arm=2
if %input% == 2 goto main
if %level% LSS 6 goto nolev
if %money% LSS 200 goto nofunds
if %input% == 3 set /a money= %money% - 200
if %input% == 3 set arm=3
if %input% == 3 goto main
if %input% == 4 set /a money= %money% - 275
if %input% == 4 set arm=5
if %input% == 4 goto main
if %level% LSS 8 goto nolev
if %money% LSS 275 goto nofunds
goto shop2

echo SHOP
echo --------------------------------------
echo Rosanna
echo Money:$%money% Level:%level%
echo --------------------------------------
echo [a)Weapons[b)Armour[c)Potions]d)Spells
echo 1)Health Potion    $30
echo 2)Level Potion     $1000
echo 3)Back
set /p input=Enter:

if %input% == 3 goto main
if %input% == a goto shop
if %input% == b goto shop2
if %input% == c goto shop3
if %input% == d goto shop4
if %money% LSS 30 goto nofunds
if %input% == 1 set /a money= %money% - 30
if %input% == 1 set hpots= %hpots% + 1
if %input% == 1 goto main
if %money% LSS 1000 goto nofunds
if %input% == 2 set /a money= %money% - 1000
if %input% == 2 goto main
goto shop3

echo SHOP
echo --------------------------------------
echo Rosanna
echo Money:$%money% Level:%level%
echo --------------------------------------
echo [a)Weapons[b)Armour[c)Potions]d)Spells
echo 1) Fireball     $50     Lvl: 1
echo 2) Thunder Bolt $150    Lvl: 2
echo 3) Back
set /p input=Enter:
if %input% == 3 goto main
if %input% == a goto shop
if %input% == b goto shop2
if %input% == c goto shop3
if %input% == d goto shop4
if %money% LSS 50 goto nofunds
if %input% == 1 set /a money= %money% - 50
if %input% == 1 set spl=5
if %input% == 1 set spldis=Fireball
if %input% == 1 goto main
if %level% LSS 1 goto nolev
if %money% LSS 150 goto nofunds
if %input% == 2 set /a money= %money% - 150
if %input% == 2 set spl=10
if %input% == 2 set spldis=Thunder Bolt
if %input% == 2 goto main
if %level% LSS 2 goto nolev
goto shop4

echo You don't have enough money
echo to purchase this item.
pause >nul
goto main

echo Your level isn't high enough
echo to purchase this item.
pause >nul
goto main

echo set level=%level%
echo set health=%health%
echo set money=%money%
echo set exp=%exp%
echo set expmax=%expmax%
echo set str=%str%
echo set def=%def%
echo set wep=%wep%
echo set wepdis=%wepdis%
echo set arm=%arm%
echo set armdis=%armdis%
echo set hpots=%hpots%) >Save.bat
goto main
echo Game Saved!
pause >nul
goto main

echo All unsaved progress will be
echo lost, are you sure? (Y/N)
set /p input=

if %input% == y exit
if %input% == n goto main
goto exit
pause >nul

set /a level= %level% + 1
set exp=0
set /a expmax= %expmax% * 150 / 100
echo Congratulations!
echo You are now level %level%!
pause >nul
goto main

I have fixed the problem with it exiting the terminal, but now it does create a save.bat file, however, when I try to load it, it goes to :loaderror

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Joined: 23 Dec 2011 13:59

Re: Batch Command line game

#11 Post by Squashman » 10 Oct 2015 12:46

You can't use a MIX of both sets of CODE!

Code: Select all

if not exist Save.bat goto loaderror
< Save.bat (
set /p name=
set /p level=
set /p health=
set /p money=
set /p exp=
set /p expmax=
set /p str=
set /p def=
set /p wep=
set /p wepdis=
set /p arm=
set /p armdis=
set /p hpots=
set /p spl=
set /p spldis=

Code: Select all

echo set level=%level%
echo set health=%health%
echo set money=%money%
echo set exp=%exp%
echo set expmax=%expmax%
echo set str=%str%
echo set def=%def%
echo set wep=%wep%
echo set wepdis=%wepdis%
echo set arm=%arm%
echo set armdis=%armdis%
echo set hpots=%hpots%) >Save.bat

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Joined: 10 Oct 2015 08:22

Re: Batch Command line game

#12 Post by j0y » 10 Oct 2015 12:48

If I do either of the ones individually, I still get an error. And mixing both of these has fixed half of my problems! The only problem now is to fix how when I try to load the game it doesn't detect the save.bat file even if both of these .bat files are in the same directory.

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Re: Batch Command line game

#13 Post by TheHunterManX » 10 Oct 2015 12:49

IF by any chance you get a error about my code it is your code that is causing this as i have tested this code from .bat and .cmd.
Also which version of computer are you using (xp,7,8,10,2000,me)

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Re: Batch Command line game

#14 Post by j0y » 10 Oct 2015 12:51

Im using windows 8.1

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Joined: 10 Oct 2015 08:22

Re: Batch Command line game

#15 Post by j0y » 10 Oct 2015 12:58

What do I do?
