The Output of the batch file is THEWORDIZPAT. But it is not only a set Variable on screen i managed to writte the input to highlight every letter using the space key for every letter screend.
The problem i stumbeled upon is that if a set Variable holds A THEWORDIZPAT in my coding the Output is not as expected A THEWORDIZPAT for every keystroke but ATHEWORDIZPAT. The space form the input vanished at the ouput.
I have to strike the space bar for the space from the input but it is not screened. I hope it is possible to retype the following batch code that i will post and find a clue. Even when there should be no solution something to search for might be useful.
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set logic=13
for /l %%a in (1,1,%logic%) do (call :grapefruit %%a)
goto :eof
goto :main
set count=0
for %%z in (%1) do (
set /a count+=10%%3
set var[!count!]=%%z)
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%b in ("%token%") do (set word=%%b)
set alien=!word:~%var[1]%,1!
:: for %%y in (%alien%) do (echo|set /p =%%y)
echo|set /p =%alien%
pause > nul
endlocal disabledelayedexpansion
With an additional fullstop alias point in the echo line set /p =.%alien% the space gets visibel but thats all i could manage.