batchcc wrote:Foxdrive what i want to do is allow the user to call the file like this
This is untested, and it will need a little study to figure out as it's an unusual way of arranging the code.
It may not work - so test it first - and see below for some comments regarding your deletion technique, which is why this is not exactly the same.
Code: Select all
@echo off
title SDEL - speedy deletion utility
if /i "%~1"=="/f" if exist "%~2" (
if /i not "%~f0"=="%~f2" call ren "%~2" "%%random%%%%random%%%%random%%%%random%%%%random%%%%random%%%%random%%.sdel.sdel"
del "%~dp2\*.sdel.sdel" 2>nul
goto :x
) else (goto :missing)
if /i "%~1"=="/d" if exist "%~2\" (
for %%a in ("%~2\*.*") do if /i not "%~f0"=="%%~fa" call ren "%%a" "%%random%%%%random%%%%random%%%%random%%%%random%%%%random%%%%random%%.sdel.sdel"
del "%~2\*.sdel.sdel" 2>nul
goto :x
) else (goto :missing)
echo SDEL - File deletion program
echo. (it only scrambles the filename, the data will still exist on the drive)
echo F - Delete only one file
echo D - Delete all files in a directory/folder that you supply
echo E - Exit this batch file
set "o="
set /p "o=Please select an option: "
if /i "%o%"=="F" goto :file
if /i "%o%"=="D" goto :folder
if /i "%o%"=="E" goto :EOF
goto :again
rem Delete only one file
set "f="
set /p "f=Enter path of file including extension: "
call :del-file /f "%f%"
goto :EOF
rem Delete all files in selected directory (folder)
set "d="
set /p "d=enter path of folder to delete: "
call :del-folder /d "%d%"
goto :EOF
echo "%~2" doesn't exist - try again
goto :EOF
echo Deletion complete...
A point you need to research is to understand that deleting a file doesn't remove it from the hard drive, nor does it change the file contents in any way.
Your code scrambles the filename in the file tables - but the data is unchanged and the file can be undeleted.
type>nul filename doesn't overwrite the file contents, it just sets the filesize to zero in the file tables, but the file still exists in the same place on the hard drive.