but the flag-file solution fails too.
I tested it on another PC and it fails sometimes in the line "del flag.tmp".
Even if I run both batches on the same cpu core.
But even if it would work without problems, it's incredible slow
I recommend the use of pipes to communicate between
batch threads.
It has the big advantage, that the threads can go into
sleep mode without consuming cpu time.
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1" NEQ "" goto %~1
%~f0 :internal | slave3.bat
exit /b
set start=%time%
set "hash=#"
for /L %%n in ( 1, 1 13) do set "hash=!hash:~-4000!!hash:~-4000!"
set "long=!hash!"
REM set "long=!hash:~-1021!A!hash:~-1022!a!hash:~-1022!A!hash:~-1022!a!hash:~-1022!A" for better debug
for /L %%. in (1,1,10) do (
set /a count+=1
set "line=!count!!long!"
set "line=!line:~0,4092!" 4092=4*1023, this works but the next send will be blocked until at least the slave read from the pipe
<nul set /p ".=!line!"
echo MasterSend: !count! > CON
set end=!time!
echo ---- Finish -----
echo !start!
echo !end!
) > con
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set count=0
ping -n 2 localhost > nul
for /l %%. in () do (
set "partial="
rem pause
rem ping -n 2 localhost > nul
set /p partial=
if defined partial (
rem echo !time! Recv: !partial!
set "job=!job:A=!"
set "job=!partial:#=!"
if defined job (
set /a count +=1
echo SlaveRecv:..!job!
) ELSE (
echo SlaveCount:!count!
This is really fast and it could be even faster.
It uses the fact, that a set /p in the pipe consumer (slave3.bat) waits for input as long as the pipe exists, else it reads and empty string.
And the pipe producer waits when the pipe is full until the consumer takes the messages from the pipe.
It's a bit strange that the consumer reads up to 1023 bytes per set /p.
But the pipe full size is at 4096 bytes (1024*4).
I ignored this, the master sends for each job a message with a size of 3=1023=4092 Bytes, when it tries to send the next message before the first message is consumed it will be blocked.
There is only the problem of the missing back channel from the slave to the master.
This can be solved with files
or with DOSKEY macros.
I used doskey macros in the next sample
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1" NEQ "" goto %~1
%~f0 :internal | slaveDoskey.bat
exit /b
set start=%time%
set "hash=#"
for /L %%n in ( 1, 1 13) do set "hash=!hash:~-4000!!hash:~-4000!"
set "hash=!hash:~0,4092!"
set "long=!hash!"
doskey slave2master=
REM set "long=!hash:~-1021!A!hash:~-1022!a!hash:~-1022!A!hash:~-1022!a!hash:~-1022!A" for better debug
set "job=0"
for /L %%. in (1,1,10) do (
set /a job+=1
set "line=!job!!long!"
set "line=!line:~0,4092!" 4092=4*1023, this works but the next send will be blocked until at least the slave read from the pipe
<nul set /p ".=!line!" Send the job
echo MasterSend: !job! > CON
<nul set /p ".=!hash!" Wait for the response
FOR /F "tokens=2* delims==" %%D in ('doskey /macros') do (
echo Master Recv from Slave %%D
) > CON
set end=!time!
echo ---- Finish -----
echo !start!
echo !end!
) > con
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set count=0
ping -n 2 localhost > nul
for /l %%. in () do (
set "partial="
rem pause
rem ping -n 2 localhost > nul
set /p partial=
if defined partial (
rem echo !time! Recv: !partial!
set "job=!job:A=!"
set "job=!partial:#=!"
if defined job (
set /a count +=1
echo SlaveRecv:..!job!
doskey slave2master=Job!job! done
) ELSE (
echo SlaveCount:!count!