I have partial ported this work.
These are textures of notch's minexcraft on dos batch window.


Code: Select all
:: Porting of Notch's minecraft4kjs by einstein1969
:: Ref.:
:: http://jsdo.it/notch/dB1E
:: http://jsdo.it/nishink/go6q
:: the8bitpimp.wordpress.com C++ port of Minecraft 4k JS
:: colorsRGB.cmd
:: http://postimg.org/image/t1hh3kppt/
:: http://s32.postimg.org/6csa408c5/minecraft_textures.png
:: http://postimg.org/image/9q62ur1o1/
:: http://s32.postimg.org/uaawt8hf9/minecraft_textures_2.png
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
mode 100,200
chcp 437
if "%1"=="" (
call :init_screen %1
start "minecraft_textures" /max "%ComSpec%" /c "%~f0" 1&goto:eof
) else call :init_screen %1
pushd %tmp%
call :init_colors
call :init_textures
exit /b
if "%1"=="" (
echo Use Lucida console font 5
echo Disable ClearType
echo Enable "Smooth Edges of Screen Fonts"
ping -n 5 localhost >nul
for %%a in ( FontSize:00050000
) do for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%b in ("%%a") do (
>nul reg add HKCU\Console\minecraft_textures /v %%b /t reg_dword /d 0x%%c /f
>nul reg add HKCU\Console\minecraft_textures /v FaceName /t reg_sz /d "Lucida Console" /f
) else ( >nul reg delete HKCU\Console\minecraft_textures /f )
:: prepare for color function
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (
set "DEL=%%a"
<nul set /p ".=%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%" > "'"
<nul > X set /p ".=."
for /f %%a in ('"prompt $H&for %%b in (1) do rem"') do set "BS=%%a"
:: Set the 16 color standard palette
set /a i=0
for %%c in ( 000000 000080 008000 008080 800000 800080 808000 C0C0C0
808080 0000FF 00FF00 00FFFF FF0000 FF00FF FFFF00 FFFFFF) do (
set p16[!i!]=%%c
set /a i=i+1
:: gamma 2.2
set /a i=0
for %%c in ( 000000 000037 003700 003737 370000 370037 373700 898989
373737 0000FF 00FF00 00FFFF FF0000 FF00FF FFFF00 FFFFFF) do (
set p16[!i!]=%%c
set /a i=i+1
:: Calculate all colors
set "map=0123456789ABCDEF"
set cont=-1
For /L %%i in (0,1,15) do (
set /a bg=%%i, fg=%%i
for %%D in (!bg!) do (set bg=!map:~%%D,1!)
for %%D in (!fg!) do (set fg=!map:~%%D,1!)
set /a "rgb=0x!p16[%%i]!, rri=rgb >> 16, ggi=(rgb >> 8) & 0xFF, bbi=rgb & 0xFF"
set /a cont+=1
set "pRGB!cont!=!p16[%%i]!"
set "z!cont!=!bg!!fg! !"
set /a si=%%i+1
For /L %%j in (!si!,1,15) do (
set fg=%%j
for %%D in (!fg!) do (set fg=!map:~%%D,1!)
set /a "rgb=0x!p16[%%j]!, rrj=rgb >> 16, ggj=(rgb >> 8) & 0xFF, bbj=rgb & 0xFF"
set /a cont+=1
set /a "pR=(ddr=rrj-rri)/4+rri, pG=(ddg=ggj-ggi)/4+ggi, pB=(ddb=bbj-bbi)/4+bbi"
call :RGBHex
set "z!cont!=!bg!!fg!°"
set /a cont+=1
Set /a "pR=ddr/2+rri, pG=ddg/2+ggi, pB=ddb/2+bbi"
call :RGBHex
set "z!cont!=!bg!!fg!±"
set /a cont+=1
Set /a "pR=ddr*3/4+rri, pG=ddg*3/4+ggi, pB=ddb*3/4+bbi"
call :RGBHex
set "z!cont!=!bg!!fg!²"
set pal16_4.size=!cont!
for /L %%i in (0,1,15) do set "p16[%%i]="
set /a "d=pR&15,pR>>=4"
for %%D in (!d!) do set "LH=!map:~%%D,1!"
for %%D in (!pR!) do set "HH=!map:~%%D,1!"
set pRGB=!HH!!LH!
set /a "d=pG&15,pG>>=4"
for %%D in (!d!) do set "LH=!map:~%%D,1!"
for %%D in (!pG!) do set "HH=!map:~%%D,1!"
set pRGB=!pRGB!!HH!!LH!
set /a "d=pB&15,pB>>=4"
for %%D in (!d!) do set "LH=!map:~%%D,1!"
for %%D in (!pB!) do set "HH=!map:~%%D,1!"
set pRGB!cont!=!pRGB!!HH!!LH!
:plot R G B
set /a "AArt=%1, AAgt=%2, AAbt=%3"
set /a dm=256*256*256, fg=-1, bg=-1, ind=-1
For /L %%i in (0,1,!pal16_4.size!) do (
set /a "AAArgb=0x!pRGB%%i!, d=(AArt-(AAArgb >> 16))*(AArt-(AAArgb >> 16))+(AAgt-((AAArgb >> 8) & 0xFF))*(AAgt-((AAArgb >> 8) & 0xFF))+(AAbt-(AAArgb & 0xFF))*(AAbt-(AAArgb & 0xFF))"
if !dm! gtr !d! set /a dm=d, ind=%%i
for %%i in (!ind!) do (
set bg=!z%%i:~0,1!
set fg=!z%%i:~1,1!
set "char=!z%%i:~2,1!"
rem Fast color
> colorPrint.txt (echo !char!\..\') && findstr /a:!bg!!fg! /f:colorPrint.txt "."
rem Each texture
rem For /L %%i in (1,1,16) do (
For /L %%i in (4,1,9) do (
rem random set the brightness
set /A "br= 255 - ((!random! %% 96) | 0)"
rem each pixel in the texture
set /A ymax=16*3
for /L %%y in (0,1,!ymax!) do (
title Generate Textures: %%i/16 %%y/!ymax!
for /L %%x in (0,1,16) do (
rem earth block basic colors
set /a Color = 0x966C4A
rem stone block basic colors
if %%i equ 4 set /a color = 0x7F7F7F
set /a "q1=(!random! %% 3) | 0"
if %%i neq 4 set /a "br = 255 - ((!random! %% 96) | 0)"
if !q1! equ 0 set /a "br = 255 - ((!random! %% 96) | 0)"
set /a "q1=(((%%x * %%x * 3 + %%x * 81) >> 2) & 3) + 18"
set /a "q2=(((%%x * %%x * 3 + %%x * 81) >> 2) & 3) + 19"
if %%i equ 1 (
if %%y lss !q1! (
rem grass block basic colors
set /a color=0x6AAA40
) else if %%y lss !q2! set /a br=br*2/3 & rem grass and soil to a little darker in the boundary
if %%i equ 7 (
rem raw wood block basic color of the (side)
set /a color = 0x675231
if %%y gtr 0 if %%y lss 15 (set i1=1) else set i1=0
if %%y gtr 32 if %%y lss 47 (set i2=1) else set i2=0
set /a "i1=i1|i2"
if %%x gtr 0 if %%x lss 15 if !i1! equ 1 (
rem raw wood block basic colors (tree rings)
set /a color = 0xBC9862
set /a "xd=%%x - 7, yd=(%%y & 15) - 7"
if !xd! lss 0 set /a xd=1-xd
if !yd! lss 0 set /a yd=1-yd
if !yd! gtr !xd! set /a xd=yd
set /a "br = 196 - ((!random! %% 32) | 0) + xd %% 3 * 32"
) else (
set /a "q1=(!random! %% 2 )|0"
if !q1! equ 0 set /a "br=br*(150-(%%x & 1)*100)/100"
if %%i equ 5 (
rem brick block basic colors
set /a color = 0xB53A15
set /a "q1=(%%x + (%%y >> 2) * 4)%% 8"
set /a "q2=%%y %% 4"
if !q1! equ 0 set /a color = 0xBCAFA5
if !q2! equ 0 set /a color = 0xBCAFA5
rem water block basic colors
if %%i equ 9 set /a color = 0x4040ff
set /a brr=br
if %%y geq 32 set /a brr/=2 & rem bottom is dark
if %%i equ 8 (
rem leaves block the basic color
set /a color = 0x50D937
rem where there is no leaf is in black (transmission at the time of the drawing)
set /a "q1=((!random! %% 2)|0)"
if !q1! equ 0 set /a color=0, brr=255
set /a "col=((( color >> 16) & 0xff) * brr / 255) << 16 | (((color >> 8) & 0xff) * brr / 255) << 8 | (((color) & 0xff) * brr / 255)"
rem echo brr:!brr! - Color:!color! - Col:!col!
set /a q1=%%x+%%y*16+%%i*256*3
set textmap[!q1!]=!col!
rem title Generate Textures: index:!q1! col:!col! %%i/16 %%y/!ymax! %%x/16
rem from textures.txt
rem (col >> 16) & 0xFF, (col >> 8) & 0xFF, col & 0xFF
set /A "R=(col >> 16) & 0xFF, G=(col >> 8) & 0xFF, B=col & 0xFF "
call :plot !R! !G! !B!
rem Flush for speedup SET
for /L %%x in (0,1,16) do (
set /a q1=%%x+%%y*16+%%i*256*3
set textmap[!q1!]=
echo Next type