Batch file to change dialup settings
Moderator: DosItHelp
Batch file to change dialup settings
Hey guys
I am trying to create a batch file to run after imaging several laptops, I need it to change the default username for dialup and uncheck the ask for user/pass option. I am thinking i'm going to have to edit the registry but I cant find where this is saved. Thanks for any help.
I am trying to create a batch file to run after imaging several laptops, I need it to change the default username for dialup and uncheck the ask for user/pass option. I am thinking i'm going to have to edit the registry but I cant find where this is saved. Thanks for any help.
Re: Batch file to change dialup settings
If you search the web for a similar solution, and post your draft code her, it would be easier to help you fix it.
Re: Batch file to change dialup settings
The problem is I cant seem to find a similar solution. I cant find out where windows stores its settings for dialup (presumably in the registry). Ill I want to do is change the default username and disable the logon prompt. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be awesome.
Re: Batch file to change dialup settings
Dialup modems? I think you got off in the wrong year in your TARDIS.
Re: Batch file to change dialup settings
This is a 3G PCMCIA card, however it still uses rasdial.
I cant figure out where it saves its settings, tried capturing registry and ini file changes but didn't have any luck.
I have to do this on 600 laptops and I was hoping to automate the process
I cant figure out where it saves its settings, tried capturing registry and ini file changes but didn't have any luck.
I have to do this on 600 laptops and I was hoping to automate the process

Re: Batch file to change dialup settings
Padd007 wrote:This is a 3G PCMCIA card, however it still uses rasdial.
I cant figure out where it saves its settings, tried capturing registry and ini file changes but didn't have any luck.
Put some easily searchable term in the dialup settings - not password etc - and then search for that term in regedit.
Re: Batch file to change dialup settings
I have tried that, didn't find anything in the registry that matched. I am at a loss with this one :/
I feel that this should be much easier than I am making it though lol
I feel that this should be much easier than I am making it though lol
Re: Batch file to change dialup settings
Padd007 wrote:This is a 3G PCMCIA card
Well foxidrive's comment still holds true. I can't even remember the last time I have seen a new laptop come with a pcmcia card slot.
Re: Batch file to change dialup settings
Well according to Microsoft's Technet article for the rasdial command, the default path to the phonebook file is systemroot\System32\Ras\username.pbk.
Re: Batch file to change dialup settings
Squashman wrote:Padd007 wrote:This is a 3G PCMCIA card
Well foxidrive's comment still holds true. I can't even remember the last time I have seen a new laptop come with a pcmcia card slot.
Its a Panasonic Toughbook CF-19, its old and rubbish but its what the client wants us to use.
Re: Batch file to change dialup settings
Squashman wrote:Well according to Microsoft's Technet article for the rasdial command, the default path to the phonebook file is systemroot\System32\Ras\username.pbk.
That file doesn't seem to exist on this machine, the folder is there and it contains cis.scp, pad.inf, pppmenu.scp and switch.inf. Had a look through these and didn't find anything usefull. Not sure if I mention the OS but its Win 7 pro x64.

Thought I would attach this for clarification, trying to change the user and uncheck "Prompt for name..." from a batch file.
Re: Batch file to change dialup settings
Like the Technet article says: "Default". That doesn't mean it isn't stored somewhere else.
Code: Select all
C:\Users>dir *.pbk /s
Volume in drive C is 15_10P
Volume Serial Number is DE79-4A59
Directory of C:\Users\Squashman\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk
12/18/2015 07:55 AM 1,948 rasphone.pbk
1 File(s) 1,948 bytes
Re: Batch file to change dialup settings
OK, I have found the file, it is in the same location as yours, I have also found lines referring to auto login etc. However my edits have no impact on the dial up settings and it doesn't contain any of my current configuration, in fact removing the file altogether doesn't change anything. So I suspect it isn't actually using this file, this is the only .pbk file that exists on the machine in question.
Re: Batch file to change dialup settings
Padd007 wrote:Thought I would attach this for clarification, trying to change the user and uncheck "Prompt for name..." from a batch file.
What is the target path and executable in the EAAMB shortcut on the desktop?
Re: Batch file to change dialup settings
foxidrive wrote:Padd007 wrote:Thought I would attach this for clarification, trying to change the user and uncheck "Prompt for name..." from a batch file.
What is the target path and executable in the EAAMB shortcut on the desktop?

"{BA126AD7-2166-11D1-B1D0-00805FC1270E}" is in the target field.
searching the reg for this finds a couple of things but nothing I can interpret.