I have a file that copies files from one source drive/directory to a target drive/directory.
I would like, however, for the batch commands to copy the same files but, instead of replacing in the target drive/directory, to add the files with a number, so I can go back and retrieve changed information from previous files, if necessary. E.g. - I copy textfile.txt, then when I copy the file again, instead of replacing it, it leaves the original file in place, and copies the newer file with a _01 added, etc.
I am a neophyte at this, by the way.
Many thanks in advance
Adding different version of same file
Moderator: DosItHelp
Re: Adding different version of same file
Something like this:
Code: Select all
@echo BEGIN-------------------------------------------------------------------------
@set snpSource=c:\business\Batch\Exp\expExp\From
@set snpTarget=c:\business\Batch\Exp\expExp\To
@for %%a in ("%snpSource%\*.*") do @call :fMove "%%a"
goto fMove_Ex
set jf=0
set snp=%~1
set snfn=%~n1
set snfe=%~x1
set snft=%snfn%%snfe%
set sjf=%jf%
if %jf% lss 10 set sjf=0%jf%
if %jf% gtr 0 set snft=%snfn%_%sjf%%snfe%
set snpt=%snpTarget%\%snft%
if not exist "%snpt%" goto fMove_FRpEx
set /a jf=%jf%+1
if %jf% geq 100 goto fMove_FRpExErr
goto fMove_FRp
echo ERROR for %snfn%%snfe%
copy "%snp%" "%snpTarget%\%snft%"
exit /b
@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------END
Re: Adding different version of same file
peterb wrote:I have a file that copies files from one source drive/directory to a target drive/directory.
I would like [...] to add the files with a number, so I can go back and retrieve changed information from previous files, if necessary
This works to copy each set of files with a number that is +1 from the last highest number.
If you expect more than 99 sets of files then change the ~-2 to a ~-3 so that the numbers become a three digit number.
Code: Select all
@echo off
set "target=d:\target\folder"
set "source=c:\source\folder"
md "%target%" 2>nul
dir "%target%" /b /a-d>"%temp%\file-number-check.txt" 2>nul
set number=0
set /a number+=1
set "filenumber=0000%number%"
set "filenumber=%filenumber:~-2%"
find "_%filenumber%." <"%temp%\file-number-check.txt" >nul && goto :loop
for %%a in ("%source%\*.*") do (
echo copying "%%~nxa" to "%target%\%%~na_%filenumber%%%~xa"
copy /b "%%a" "%target%\%%~na_%filenumber%%%~xa" >nul
del "%temp%\file-number-check.txt" 2>nul