So I started playing a little with keyboard and timer in batch.
So here it is
If the above image makes you carious enough then this is the code. Just don't press keys too quickly
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
mode con cols=145 lines=40
set "TIME="
for /F "tokens=1,3 delims=0123456789" %%A in ("%TIME: =0%") do set "time.delims=%%A%%B"
set "HEX.Digits=0123456789abcdef"
set "Winner[0]=None"
set "Winner[1]=Zero"
set "Winner[2]=One"
set /a "hex4.val=hex4.bits=one=zero=bits=0"
title Press any key to get next bit
for /L %%A in () do (
rem ping -n 2>nul
for /F "tokens=4 delims=%time.delims%" %%A in ("!TIME: =0!") do set "centsec=%%A"
set /a "bit=!centsec:~1,1!&1, zero+=^!bit, one+=bit, bits+=1"
set /a "dif=zero-one, sign=((dif&0x80000000)>>31)&1, dif*=1-2*sign, Winner=(^!^!dif)*(sign+1)"
set /a "izr=(zero*100)/bits, fzr=((zero*100)%%bits)*100/bits"
set /a "or=10000-100*izr-fzr, ior=or/100, for=or%%100"
if /i !fzr! LEQ 9 set "fzr=0!fzr!
if /i !for! LEQ 9 set "for=0!for!
for %%i in (!Winner!) do set "Winner=!Winner[%%i]!"
set /a "hex128.bits=(bits-1)%%128"
if /i !hex128.bits! EQU 0 (
set "hex128=#"
) else if /i !hex4.bits! EQU 0 (
set "hex128=#!hex128!"
set /a "hex4.val+=bit<<hex4.bits, hex4.bits=(hex4.bits+1)%%4"
for %%i in (!hex4.val!) do set "hex128=!Hex.Digits:~%%i,1!!hex128:~1!"
set /a "rnd=hex4.val, hex4.val*=^!^!hex4.bits, hex128.bits+=1"
set /p "=!bit!"<nul
set "title="
set "title=!title!Zero: !zero! One: !one! | Winner: !Winner! Dif: !dif! | "
set "title=!title!bits: !bits! | Ratio Zero: !izr!.!fzr!%% One: !ior!.!for!%% | "
set "title=!title!Last 128bit Hex(LE-bits): 0x!hex128! !hex128.bits!/128 | "
set "title=!title!Press any key to get next bit"
title !title!
set /a "centsec=!centsec:~0,1!*10+!centsec:~1,1!"
set /a "kbd_delay=centsec*rnd"
rem for /L %%A in (1,1,!kbd_delay!) do pause<nul>nul