Cross vector product algorithm issue? Need help

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Cross vector product algorithm issue? Need help

#1 Post by IcarusLives » 07 May 2018 19:55

Hello everyone

I have been experimenting with vertexes, and have come to simulate 3rd, 2nd, and 1st person view. I'm having trouble with a piece of the algorithm though.

I need to clip the image from view if it is NOT in front of the player IF the view is 1st person (line12)

Clipping the image out of view under this circumstance isn't too hard, though it includes the Cross Vector Product algorithm(line181), and I don't fully understand its black magic, yet.

The issue is the 2 of the arguments I need to pass are -0.0001, and 0.0001(line109-113), but I've become unsuccessful in trying to work around this. Perhaps I'm just tired.


Code: Select all

@echo off & setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

if "%~1" neq "" goto :%~1

REM INITIALIZE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call :macros

title Vertex rotation test
mode 100,100
	REM CHANGE ME TO VALUE ( 1 - 1st Person; 2 - 2nd Person; 3 - 3rd Person )
	set /a "view=1"
	REM -----------------------------------------------------

	rem The coordinates of the player
	set /a "px=45", "py=45", "P_ANGLE=0"
	rem The end coordinates for the line segment representing a "wall"
	set /a "vx1=70", "vy1=20"
	set /a "vx2=70", "vy2=70"
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if exist "%temp%\%~n0_signal.txt" del "%temp%\%~n0_signal.txt"
"%~F0" Controller WASDKL >"%temp%\%~n0_signal.txt" | "%~F0" ENGINE <"%temp%\%~n0_signal.txt"

	for /l %%# in () do (		set /a "frame+=1"
		rem User Controller
			set "com=" & set /p "com="
			%= Calculate movement =%
				   if /i "!com!" equ "s" ( set /a "px-=3 * !cos(x):x=P_ANGLE!", "py-=3 * !sin(x):x=P_ANGLE!"
			) else if /i "!com!" equ "w" ( set /a "px+=3 * !cos(x):x=P_ANGLE!", "py+=3 * !sin(x):x=P_ANGLE!"
			) else if /i "!com!" equ "a" ( set /a "px-=3 * !sin(x):x=P_ANGLE!", "py-=3 * !cos(x):x=P_ANGLE!"
			) else if /i "!com!" equ "d" ( set /a "px+=3 * !sin(x):x=P_ANGLE!", "py+=3 * !cos(x):x=P_ANGLE!"
			) else if /i "!com!" equ "k" ( set /a "P_ANGLE-=10"
			) else if /i "!com!" equ "l" ( set /a "P_ANGLE+=10"
		REM BUILD VIEW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		%= lx ly are the end of the player pointer =%
		set /a "lx=7 * !cos(x):x=P_ANGLE! + px", "ly=7 * !sin(x):x=P_ANGLE! + py"
		%= Transform the vertexes relative to the player =%
		set /a "tx1=vx1 - px", "ty1=vy1 - py"
		set /a "tx2=vx2 - px", "ty2=vy2 - py"
		%= Rotate them around the players view =%
		set /a "tz1=tx1 * !cos(x):x=P_ANGLE! + ty1 * !sin(x):x=P_ANGLE!"
		set /a "tz2=tx2 * !cos(x):x=P_ANGLE! + ty2 * !sin(x):x=P_ANGLE!"
		set /a "tx1=tx1 * !sin(x):x=P_ANGLE! - ty1 * !cos(x):x=P_ANGLE!"
		set /a "tx2=tx2 * !sin(x):x=P_ANGLE! - ty2 * !cos(x):x=P_ANGLE!"
		%= Translate into view =%
		set /a "sz1=50 - tz1", "sz2=50 - tz2", "sx1=50 - tx1", "sx2=50 - tx2"
		REM BUILD VIEW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		if !view! equ 3 (
			%= Draw the Absolute Map =%
			%= 3rd Person View =%
			%line% %vx1% %vy1% %vx2% %vy2% Û 11
			%line% !px! !py! !lx! !ly! Û 255
			%fastCircle% !px! !py! 2 2 330
			%= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =%
		) else if !view! equ 2 (
			%= Draw the Transformed Map =%
			%= 2nd Person View =%
			%line% !sx1! !sz1! !sx2! !sz2! Û 11
			%line% 50 50 50 43 Û 255
			%fastCircle% 50 50 2 2 330
			%= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =%
		) else if !view! equ 1 (
			if !tz1! gtr 0 ( set "b1=0" ) else ( set "b1=1" )
			if !tz2! gtr 0 ( set "b2=0" ) else ( set "b2=1" )
			set /a "bool=(b1|b2)"
			rem All commented code here is the Cross Vector Product Algorithm in the works.
			rem including INTERSECT macro
			REM if !bool! equ 1 (
				rem                              v-------------------{ These values SHOULD be (according to the algorithm)
				rem                                v-----------------{ -0.0001 0.0001
				%intersect% !tx1! !tz1! !tx2! !tz2! -1 1 -20 5 ix1 iz1
				rem                              v-------------------{ These values SHOULD be (according to the algorithm)
				rem                                v-----------------{  0.0001 0.0001
				%intersect% !tx1! !tz1! !tx2! !tz2!  1 1  20 5 ix2 iz2
				REM if !tz1! leq 0 if !iz1! gtr 0 ( set /a "tx1=ix1", "tz1=iz1" ) else ( set /a "tx1=ix2", "tz1=iz2")
				REM if !tz2! leq 0 if !iz1! gtr 0 ( set /a "tx2=ix1", "tz2=iz1" ) else ( set /a "tx2=ix2", "tz2=iz2")
				%= Draw the Perspective-Transformed Map =%
				set /a "x1=-tx1 * 16 / tz1", "y1a=-50 / tz1", "y1b=50 / tz1"
				set /a "x2=-tx2 * 16 / tz2", "y2a=-50 / tz2", "y2b=50 / tz2"
				%= Translate into view =%
				for %%a in (x1 x2 y1a y1b y2a y2b) do set /a "%%a=50 + %%a"

				%= 1st Person View =%
				%= top (1-2 b) =%
				%line% !x1! !y1a! !x2! !y2a! Û 11
				%= bottom (1-2 b) =%
				%line% !x1! !y1b! !x2! !y2b! Û 11
				%= left (1) =%
				%line% !x1! !y1a! !x1! !y1b! Û 9
				%= right (2) =%
				%line% !x2! !y2a! !x2! !y2b! Û 9
			REM )
			%= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =%
		rem display everything using VT100 2J sequence to clear the screen first.
		<nul set /p "=%ESC%[2J!screen!" & set "screen="


	( for /l %%# in () do ( for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('choice /c:%~2 /n') do ( <nul set /p ".=%%a" ) ) )


set ^"LF=^

^" Above empty line is required - do not remove
set ^"\n=^^^%LF%%LF%^%LF%%LF%^^"
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E^| cmd') do set "ESC=%%a"
<nul set /p "=!esc![?25l"

rem This may seem redundant, however, I'm trying to follow an algorithm.

rem FNcross x1 y1 x2 y2 RETURNVAR
set FNcross=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 ( for /f "tokens=1-5" %%1 in ("^!args^!") do (%\n%
	set /a "%%~5=%%~1*%%~4 - %%~2*%%~3"%\n%
)) else set args=

rem intersect x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 RETURNVAR RETURNVAR
set intersect=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 ( for /f "tokens=1-10" %%a in ("^!args^!") do (%\n%
	%= x1-a y1-b x2-c y2-d x3-e y3-f x4-g y4-h x-i y-j =%%\n%
	!^FNcross^! %%a %%b %%c %%d FNx%\n%
	!^FNcross^! %%e %%f %%g %%h FNy%\n%
	set /a "_t1=%%a-%%c", "_t2=%%c-%%d", "_t3=%%e - %%g", "_t4=%%f-%%h"%\n%
	for /f "tokens=1-4" %%1 in ("^!_t1^! ^!_t2^! ^!_t3^! ^!_t4^!") do ^!FNcross^! %%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 det%\n%
	for /f "tokens=1-6" %%1 in ("^!_t1^! ^!_t2^! ^!_t3^! ^!_t4^! ^!FNx^! ^!FNy^!") do (%\n%
		^!FNcross^! %%5 %%1 %%6 %%3 _x1%\n%
		set /a "%%i=_x1 / det"%\n%
		^!FNcross^! %%5 %%1 %%6 %%3 _y1%\n%
		set /a "%%j=_y1 / det"%\n%
)) else set args=

rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rem %plot% x y 0-255 0-255 CHAR
set plot=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 ( for /f "tokens=1-5" %%1 in ("^!args^!") do (%\n%
  set "screen=^!screen^!!esc![%%2;%%1H!esc![38;5;%%3m!esc![48;5;%%4m%%~5!esc![0m"%\n%
)) else set args=

rem %fastCircle% x y ch cw color screenID
set fastCircle=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 ( for /f "tokens=1-7" %%1 in ("^!args^! sin^(x^) cos^(x^)") do (%\n%
	for /l %%a in (0,30,360) do (%\n%
		set /a "xa=%%~3 * ^!%%~7:x=%%a^! + %%~1"%\n%
		set /a "ya=%%~4 * ^!%%~6:x=%%a^! + %%~2"%\n%
		for /f "tokens=1,2" %%x in ("^!xa^! ^!ya^!") do ^!plot^! %%x %%y %%~5 0 Û%\n%
)) else set args=

set line=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 ( for /f "tokens=1-6" %%1 in ("^!args^!") do (%\n%
	if "%%~6" equ "" ( set "hue=30" ) else ( set "hue=%%~6")%\n%
	set /a "xa=%%~1", "ya=%%~2", "xb=%%~3", "yb=%%~4", "dx=%%~3 - %%~1", "dy=%%~4 - %%~2"%\n%
	for /f "tokens=1-2" %%6 in ("^!dx^! ^!dy^!") do (%\n%
		if %%~7 lss 0 ( set /a "dy=-%%~7", "stepy=-1" ) else ( set "stepy=1" )%\n%
		if %%~6 lss 0 ( set /a "dx=-%%~6", "stepx=-1" ) else ( set "stepx=1" )%\n%
		set /a "dx<<=1", "dy<<=1"%\n%
	for /f "tokens=1-9" %%a in ("^!dx^! ^!dy^! ^!xa^! ^!xb^! ^!ya^! ^!yb^! ^!stepx^! ^!stepy^! ^!hue^!") do (%\n%
		if %%~a gtr %%~b (%\n%
			set /a "fraction=%%~b - (%%~a >> 1)"%\n%
			for /l %%x in (%%~c,%%~g,%%~d) do (%\n%
				for /f "tokens=1" %%6 in ("^!fraction^!") do if %%~6 geq 0 set /a "ya+=%%~h", "fraction-=%%~a"%\n%
				set /a "fraction+=%%~b"%\n%
				for /f "tokens=1" %%6 in ("^!ya^!") do (%\n%
					if 0 leq %%x if %%x lss 199 if 0 leq %%~6 if %%~6 lss 199 ^!plot^! %%x %%~6 %%i 0 %%~5%\n%
		) else (%\n%
			set /a "fraction=%%~a - (%%~b >> 1)"%\n%
			for /l %%y in (%%~e,%%~h,%%~f) do (%\n%
				for /f "tokens=1" %%6 in ("^!fraction^!") do if %%~6 geq 0 set /a "xa+=%%~g", "fraction-=%%~b"%\n%
				set /a "fraction+=%%~a"%\n%
				for /f "tokens=1" %%6 in ("^!xa^!") do (%\n%
					if 0 leq %%~6 if %%~6 lss 199 if 0 leq %%y if %%y lss 199 ^!plot^! %%~6 %%y %%i 0 %%~5%\n%
)) else set args=

	set /a "PI=(35500000/113+5)/10, PI_div_2=(35500000/113/2+5)/10, PIx2=2*PI, PI32=PI+PI_div_2"
    set "_SIN=a-a*a/1920*a/312500+a*a/1920*a/15625*a/15625*a/2560000-a*a/1875*a/15360*a/15625*a/15625*a/16000*a/44800000"
    set "SIN(x)=(a=(x * 31416 / 180)%%62832, c=(a>>31|1)*a, a-=(((c-47125)>>31)+1)*((a>>31|1)*62832)  +  (-((c-47125)>>31))*( (((c-15709)>>31)+1)*(-(a>>31|1)*31416+2*a)  ), %_SIN%) / 10000"
    set "COS(x)=(a=(15708 - x * 31416 / 180)%%62832, c=(a>>31|1)*a, a-=(((c-47125)>>31)+1)*((a>>31|1)*62832)  +  (-((c-47125)>>31))*( (((c-15709)>>31)+1)*(-(a>>31|1)*31416+2*a)  ), %_SIN%) / 10000"
    set "_SIN="
    set "Abs(x)=(((x)>>31|1)*(x))"

goto :eof
3rd person

2nd person

1st person

Posts: 2009
Joined: 23 Jun 2013 06:15
Location: Germany

Re: Cross vector product algorithm issue? Need help

#2 Post by penpen » 16 May 2018 02:38

I cannot see what you are doing here:
IcarusLives wrote:
07 May 2018 19:55

Code: Select all

rem This may seem redundant, however, I'm trying to follow an algorithm.

rem FNcross x1 y1 x2 y2 RETURNVAR
set FNcross=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 ( for /f "tokens=1-5" %%1 in ("^!args^!") do (%\n%
	set /a "%%~5=%%~1*%%~4 - %%~2*%%~3"%\n%
)) else set args=

rem intersect x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 RETURNVAR RETURNVAR
set intersect=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 ( for /f "tokens=1-10" %%a in ("^!args^!") do (%\n%
	%= x1-a y1-b x2-c y2-d x3-e y3-f x4-g y4-h x-i y-j =%%\n%
	!^FNcross^! %%a %%b %%c %%d FNx%\n%
	!^FNcross^! %%e %%f %%g %%h FNy%\n%
	set /a "_t1=%%a-%%c", "_t2=%%c-%%d", "_t3=%%e - %%g", "_t4=%%f-%%h"%\n%
	for /f "tokens=1-4" %%1 in ("^!_t1^! ^!_t2^! ^!_t3^! ^!_t4^!") do ^!FNcross^! %%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 det%\n%
	for /f "tokens=1-6" %%1 in ("^!_t1^! ^!_t2^! ^!_t3^! ^!_t4^! ^!FNx^! ^!FNy^!") do (%\n%
		^!FNcross^! %%5 %%1 %%6 %%3 _x1%\n%
		set /a "%%i=_x1 / det"%\n%
		^!FNcross^! %%5 %%1 %%6 %%3 _y1%\n%
		set /a "%%j=_y1 / det"%\n%
)) else set args=
Mapping "%%a to a", "%%b to b" and so on you are computing these values (using the equation editor of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4):

Code: Select all

"FNx" := left lline left( binom{"a"}{"b"} binom{"c"}{"d"} right) right rline,
"FNy" := left lline left( binom{"e"}{"f"} binom{"g"}{"h"} right) right rline,


"det" := left lline left( binom{"_t1"}{"_t4"} binom{"_t2"}{"_t3"} right) right rline,

"_x1" := left lline left( binom{"FNx"}{"_t1"} binom{"FNy"}{"_t3"} right) right rline,

"_y1" := left lline left( binom{"FNx"}{"_t1"} binom{"FNy"}{"_t3"} right) right rline,
(If i see it right, then to me it's suspicious, that you compute _x1 and _y1 although both hold the the same value.)

IcarusLives wrote:
07 May 2018 19:55
and I don't fully understand its black magic, yet.
I'm unsure if this might help you (although i think you already know that):
Let a and b be two arbtrary non zero vectors and let phi be the angle between a and b, then <a,b> = |a|*|b| cos(phi).
(<a,b> := Scalar product of a and b).


Posts: 179
Joined: 17 Jan 2016 23:55

Re: Cross vector product algorithm issue? Need help

#3 Post by IcarusLives » 16 May 2018 10:36

I know that writting batch macros makes it harder to read, so here is the pseudo-code in qBasic.

Code: Select all

FUNCTION FNcross (x1, y1, x2, y2)
    FNcross = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2

SUB Intersect (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x, y)
    x = FNcross(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    y = FNcross(x3, y3, x4, y4)
    det = FNcross(x1 - x2, y1 - y2, x3 - x4, y3 - y4)
    x = FNcross(x, x1 - x2, y, x3 - x4) / det
    y = FNcross(x, y1 - y2, y, y3 - y4) / det

Posts: 1921
Joined: 06 Dec 2011 22:15
Location: México City, México

Re: Cross vector product algorithm issue? Need help

#4 Post by Aacini » 16 May 2018 16:17

This is the way I would do this. First, define the following three macros:

Code: Select all

set "Inter=FNx=x1*y2-y1*x2, FNy=x3*y4-y3*x4, t1=x1-x2,t2=y1-y2,t3=x3-x4,t4=y3-y4, det=t1*t4-t2*t3"

set "IntersectX=(FNx*t3-t1*FNy)/det"

set "IntersectY=(FNx*t4-t2*FNy)/det"
Then, use them in the following way:

Code: Select all

set /A "x1=1,y1=2,x2=3,y2=4,x3=5,y3=6,x4=7,y4=8, %Inter%, x=%IntersectX%, y=%IntersectY%"
For example:

Code: Select all

rem Instead of this code using original "intersect" macro:
%intersect% !tx1! !tz1! !tx2! !tz2! -1 1 -20 5 ix1 iz1

rem Use the new three macros in this way:
set /A "x1=tx1,y1=tz1,x2=tx2,y2=tz2,x3=-1,y3=1,x4=-20,y4=5, %Inter%, ix1=%IntersectX%, iz1=%IntersectY%"
I think this is the most efficient way to perform these operations. Besides, if there are previous operations used to obtain the input values for the cross vector product algorithm, or additional operations over the result of the algorithm, such operations can be performed in the same SET /A command, so the efficiency of the whole program increase.


Posts: 2009
Joined: 23 Jun 2013 06:15
Location: Germany

Re: Cross vector product algorithm issue? Need help

#5 Post by penpen » 16 May 2018 17:45

IcarusLives wrote:
16 May 2018 10:36
I know that writting batch macros makes it harder to read, so here is the pseudo-code in qBasic.

Code: Select all

FUNCTION FNcross (x1, y1, x2, y2)
    FNcross = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2

SUB Intersect (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x, y)
    x = FNcross(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    y = FNcross(x3, y3, x4, y4)
    det = FNcross(x1 - x2, y1 - y2, x3 - x4, y3 - y4)
    x = FNcross(x, x1 - x2, y, x3 - x4) / det
    y = FNcross(x, y1 - y2, y, y3 - y4) / det
It's true, that macro code is harder to read (so i would do it pretty similar to like Antonio has computed it).
I also messed up the _ti parts in the equation editor, but that wasn't related to the macro code:
I simply didn't know how you sorted the matrix entries (topdown then left right, or otherwiese and mixed up both views; because of that i added the coded equation).

I'm pretty sure you actually have implemented that:

Code: Select all

FUNCTION FNcross (x1, y1, x2, y2)
    FNcross = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2

SUB Intersect (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x, y)
    x = FNcross(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    y = FNcross(x3, y3, x4, y4)
    det = FNcross(x1 - x2, x2 - y2, x3 - x4, y3 - y4) : REM <-
    x = FNcross(x, x1 - x2, y, x3 - x4) / det
    y = FNcross(x, x1 - x2, y, x3 - x4) / det : REM  <-

Posts: 1921
Joined: 06 Dec 2011 22:15
Location: México City, México

Re: Cross vector product algorithm issue? Need help

#6 Post by Aacini » 17 May 2018 16:13

A slightly different method with just one macro, simpler to use:

Code: Select all

rem Macro definition:
set "IntersectXY=( FNx=x1*y2-y1*x2, FNy=x3*y4-y3*x4, t1=x1-x2,t2=y1-y2,t3=x3-x4,t4=y3-y4, det=t1*t4-t2*t3, IY=(FNx*t4-t2*FNy)/det, (FNx*t3-t1*FNy)/det )"

rem Macro usage:
set /A "assign input values to x1 up to y4,  resultX=%IntersectXY:IY=resultY%"

rem For example:
set /A "x1=tx1,y1=tz1,x2=tx2,y2=tz2,x3=-1,y3=1,x4=-20,y4=5,  ix1=%IntersectXY:IY=iz1%"

Posts: 1921
Joined: 06 Dec 2011 22:15
Location: México City, México

Re: Cross vector product algorithm issue? Need help

#7 Post by Aacini » 18 May 2018 11:13

Following your question about the values that must be 0.0001 and -0.0001: multiply by 0.0001 is the same than divide by 10000, so you may change the multiply operations to division ones when such values be used, and eliminate they in subtract operations. That is:

Code: Select all

rem Macro definition:
set "IntersectXY=( FNx=x1*y2-y1*x2, FNy=y4/x3-x4/y3, t1=x1-x2,t2=y1-y2,t3=-x4,t4=-y4, det=t1*t4-t2*t3, IY=(FNx*t4-t2*FNy)/det, (FNx*t3-t1*FNy)/det )"

rem For example:
set /A "x1=tx1,y1=tz1,x2=tx2,y2=tz2,x3=-10000,y3=10000,x4=-20,y4=5,  ix1=%IntersectXY:IY=iz1%"

Posts: 179
Joined: 17 Jan 2016 23:55

Re: Cross vector product algorithm issue? Need help

#8 Post by IcarusLives » 22 May 2018 15:57

What a great alternative! Thank you Aacini, and Penpen for your help.

Post Reply