I have a way of creating multiple shortcuts in locations with many different targeted locations.
My biggest worry is that I change my folder structure, and then some of the shortcuts won't work any more.
Would anyone know if would be possible to create a BAT that asks for a location:
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /p "input=1. Enter Source directory: "
if not exist "%input%" echo Invalid source: "%input%" enter valid path && goto :input
Finds any shortcuts within that directory and its sub-directories, and prints out the information in a CSV file (or maybe a txt file) with the following:
Column A: the Source's Directory location of the Shortcut.
Column B: the Targeted Directory Location the shortcut sends you too.
Column C: if the shortcut currently works or not.
Which i could edit and then with another BAT goes through the CSV and changes the Target locations to be the ones in the CSV file?
Any ideas would be great.