Bonjour everyone.
I'm having a problem with findstr right now. I have some text like this:
Code: Select all
:::. Path is
:::. Your name is
:::. Folder is
And I use this to output the text.
Code: Select all
FOR /F "tokens=* delims=:." %%H in (findstr /bl :::. "%~f0"') do @echo %%H
It works fine. At the top, I also have this code:
Code: Select all
SET PATH=%~dp0Files
IF not exist "%PATH%" (
For some reason, when I run it alone, the findstr command works fine. But when I add the above block of code, I get "The system cannot find the file findstr" and its wracking my brain why it doesn't work. When I take out the above code, however, it works perfectly fine. Any help is greatly appreciated