Plus replace any "." with spaces, and remove everything after the last "."
Then also remove any blank space " " that might be at the start or the end.
Can't seem to find an easy way to do it. Then i stumbled upon JREPL.BAT, but i have no idea were to start.
Can JREPL even do what i want? If anyone can straight up code it, and post it they get double points.
I wanna use it in a setting like this btw:
Code: Select all
For /F "Tokens=1* Delims=:" %%A In ( 'TaskList /V /Fi "ImageName Eq PotPlayerMini64.exe" /Fo List' ) Do @For /F "Tokens=*" %%C In ("%%B") Do @Set "_PotPlayerWindowTitle=%%C"
echo %_PotPlayerWindowTitle% >PotPlayerTitle.txt
"Code here that edits PotPlayerTitle.txt and puts it in PotPlayerEditedTitle.txt"
set /p PotPlayerEditedTitle=<PotPlayerEditedTitle.txt
goto Loop