I am trying to write a batch backup program using DOS to:
a) Make a backup copy of my 'Documents' file, and
b) On subsequent runs update only those files that have been changed since the last backup by copying over them. I.e., I don't really have the need to save old copies of the backed up files.
I have Windows 10.
The directory where the documents folder resides is C:\users\James Day> The folder is 'Documents'.
The USB flash drive I would like to use for my backup is H:\.
Here is a truncated version of the batch file I made for my girl friend's computer, but no matter how I massage this file, I can't get it to work on my computer. She has Windows 7, which might be the reason it won't work on mine which is Windows 10.
Code: Select all
@echo off
:: variables
set drive=j:\Phyllis
set backupcmd=xcopy /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /y
echo ### Backing up My Documents...
...%backupcmd%"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop" "%drive%\"
%backupcmd% "C:\Users\Phyllis\Documents\2010 - Switzerland" "%drive%\Phyllis\2010 - Switzerland"
%backupcmd% "C:\Users\Phyllis\Documents\2013 - Austria" "%drive%\Phyllis\2013 - Austria"
%backupcmd% "C:\Users\Phyllis\Documents\Worm Project copy" "%drive%\Phyllis\Worm Project copy"
echo Backup Complete!
Thanks and have a great day!
Jim Day
Honolulu, HI