This is useful for the new /H option.
Here is version 8.1
Summary of Changes
Code: Select all
C:\>jrepl /?history
2019-05-19 v8.1: Add /VT to enable Virtual Terminal ANSI escape sequences.
Code courtesy of DosTips user aGerman (Steffen).
Code: Select all
C:\>jrepl /?/vt
/VT - Enables Virtual Terminal processing of ANSI escape sequences for
the current JREPL.bat process within the Windows 10 console. This
option is not needed if the registry has HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console
"VirtualTerminalLevel" DWORD set to 1 in the registry.
Code: Select all
/H - Highlight all replaced or matched text in the output using the ...
Native support for ANSI escape sequences requires Windows 10 or
higher. ANSI escape sequences only work on the Windows 10 console
if the "Use legacy console" option is off in console properties.
In addition, one of the following must be used:
- The /VT option can be used to enable the escape sequences for
a single JREPL run.
- The registry can have the following DWORD defined, which will
enable escape sequences for all console applications.
Dave Benham