Coincidentally, I had just made a bouncing ball script using the "opposite" of "pure batch" - javascript for logic and cmdgfx for rendering. Here is a screenshot with 50 balls, with a shadow for each ball, running at 76 FPS:
Archive is here: ...
By the way, this is an interesting way to test the speed of your machine (CPU). Press Cursor left to remove 10 balls, and cursor right to add 10 balls. Then observe the top left text within paranthesis. As long as it is 76 or more, you are still running at full frame rate.
On my Win7 machine, I can do 340 balls before FPS starts going down. At 500 balls (maximum) it's down to 46 FPS.
And code:
Code: Select all
@if (true == false) @end /*
@echo off
if defined __ goto :START
set __=.
cmdgfx_input.exe knW13x | call %0 %* | cmdgfx_gdi "" Sf0:0,0,320,220,240,100G16,16
set __=
cmdwiz showcursor 1 & goto :eof
cmdwiz setfont 6 & cls & mode 120,50 & cmdwiz showcursor 0
cscript //nologo //e:javascript "%~dpnx0" %*
::cmdwiz getch & rem Enable this line to see jscript parse errors
mode 80,50
echo "cmdgfx: quit"
title input:Q
exit /b 0 */
var maxBalls=500, nofShownBalls=50, w=240, h=100
var ballsX=[], ballsY=[], ballsSX=[], ballsI=[], ballsYC=[], ballsYH=[], ballsSXcale=[], ballsCol=[]
var bI = ["ball4-t.gxy"], bIw = [13,11,9], bIh = [10,8,6]
var multiCol=1, shadow=1, extraFlag=""
var showHelp=1, helpMsg="text 7 0 0 SPACE\\-ENTER\\-\\g11\\g10\\-p\\-h 1,98", skip=["rem "," "]
for (i = 0; i < maxBalls; i++) {
ballsX.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * w))
ballsY.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * h))
ballsSX.push(Math.random() * 1.8 + 0.1)
ballsYC.push(Math.random() * Math.PI + Math.PI);
ballsYH.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 50) + 45);
ballsI.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * bI.length))
ballsSXcale.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * bIw.length))
ballsCol.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 6))
WScript.Echo("\"cmdgfx: fbox 1 0 X & image ball4-t.gxy 0 0 0 -1 260,0 & image ball4-t.gxy 0 0 0 -1 282,2 0 0 11,8 & image ball4-t.gxy 0 0 0 -1 303,4 0 0 9,6" + "\" ")
WScript.Echo("\"cmdgfx: block 0 260,0,60,10 260,10 -1 0 0 c4??=91??,?4??=?1??,c???=9???,?c??=?9??" + "\" ")
WScript.Echo("\"cmdgfx: block 0 260,0,60,10 260,20 -1 0 0 c4??=a2??,?4??=?2??,c???=a???,?c??=?a??" + "\" ")
WScript.Echo("\"cmdgfx: block 0 260,0,60,10 260,30 -1 0 0 c4??=d5??,?4??=?5??,c???=d???,?c??=?d??" + "\" ")
WScript.Echo("\"cmdgfx: block 0 260,0,60,10 260,40 -1 0 0 c4??=e6??,?4??=?6??,c???=e???,?c??=?e??" + "\" ")
WScript.Echo("\"cmdgfx: block 0 260,0,60,10 260,50 -1 0 0 c4??=78??,?4??=?8??,c???=7???,?c??=?7??" + "\" ")
WScript.Echo("\"cmdgfx: block 0 260,0,60,10 260,60 -1 0 0 c4??=b3??,?4??=?3??,c???=b???,?c??=?b??" + "\" ")
while(true) {
outString="fbox 1 0 b1 0,0," + w + "," + h + " & fbox 1 0 b0 0," + (h-8) + "," + w + ",8"
for (i = 0; i < nofShownBalls; i++) {
ballsX[i] = (ballsX[i] + ballsSX[i]);
if (ballsX[i] > w || ballsX[i] < 0) ballsSX[i] = -ballsSX[i];
ballsY[i] = Math.floor(Math.sin(ballsYC[i]) * ballsYH[i]) + 95;
ballsYC[i] += 0.025; if (ballsYC[i] > Math.PI*2) { ballsYC[i] = Math.PI; } // ballsYH[i]*=0.7;
outString += "& block 0 " + (260 + ballsSXcale[i]*20) + "," + (ballsCol[i] * 10 * multiCol) + ",13,10 " + Math.floor(ballsX[i]-bIw[ballsI[i]]/2) + "," + Math.floor(ballsY[i]-bIh[ballsI[i]]/2) + " 58"
if (shadow==1) outString += " & block 0 0,0," + w + "," + h + " 0," + h + " -1 0 0 10b1=1058" + " & block 0 0,0," + w + "," + h + " 8,-2 -1 0 0 10b?=10b1,????=10b0" + " & block 0 0," + h + "," + w + "," + h + " 0,0 58" ;
WScript.Echo("\"cmdgfx:" + outString + " & " + skip[showHelp] + helpMsg + " & text a 0 0 " + nofShownBalls + ":_[FRAMECOUNT] 1,1" + "\" " + extraFlag)
var input = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()
var ti = input.split(" ")
if (ti[3] == "1")
var key=ti[5]
if (key == "27") break
if (key == "32") multiCol = 1 - multiCol
if (key == "13") shadow = 1 - shadow
if (key == "104") showHelp = 1 - showHelp
if (key == "331") { nofShownBalls-=10; if (nofShownBalls <= 0) nofShownBalls = 1; extraFlag="C" }
if (key == "333") { nofShownBalls+=10; if (nofShownBalls > maxBalls) nofShownBalls = maxBalls; extraFlag="C" }
if (key == "112") WScript.Echo("\"cmdgfx: \" K")