I've read that batch %RANDOM% is not very random.
I thought it would be nice to have a .exe written in C programming language, which will return random number upon execution.
I've downloaded and installed Code::Blocks and tried different examples from the web, but all of them aren't producing anything good, they are using srand(time(NULL)); and rand();.
I've read that you need to create your own random number generator with example:
#define random(value) ((int)(((double)(rand())*(value))/(RAND_MAX+1.0)))
I can't figure how it works.
Can you, please, show me a C code which will generate random numbers?
Many thanks!
Batch random number through C executable
Moderator: DosItHelp
Re: Batch random number through C executable
Well last I checked this wasn't a C programming forum.
Simple enough to call out to Powershell from a batch file and assign it to a variable.
Code: Select all
FOR /F "delims=" %%G IN ('powershell "GET-RANDOM"') do set _rand=%%G
Re: Batch random number through C executable
I suggest you to review this thread. There is an assembly source program to use RDRAND CPU instruction in order to generate random numbers and its ready-to-use .exe program.
Re: Batch random number through C executable
While I agree with Squashman that this is not a C forum, just as an aside: Don't use the standard C functions to generate pseudorandom numbers. The generated values of rand() are as predictable as the values of the %random% variable. If you want to have a C-like functionality on Windows, rather use the BCryptGenRandom() API. There are plenty of examples how to use it.
(FWIW: If you continue to fire and forget your threads, whithout giving feedback to the volunteers if you even read their responses, I'm going to stop answering your questions. Just saying.)
(FWIW: If you continue to fire and forget your threads, whithout giving feedback to the volunteers if you even read their responses, I'm going to stop answering your questions. Just saying.)
Re: Batch random number through C executable
Thanks, everyone!
The Powershell solution is what I need.
Assembly program looks interesting, I'll read about it.
The Powershell solution is what I need.
Assembly program looks interesting, I'll read about it.
Sorry about that. I just got used to others forums, where when they answer your question, and you reply "Thank you!", they complain about flooding the forums with useless posts.