Code: Select all
@echo off
chcp 65001 >nul
timeout 0 >nul
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%A in ('Kernel\batbox /y') do (
set y=%%B
set x=%%A
Kernel\batbox /g %x% %y%
echo █
goto start
How do I fix it?
Moderator: DosItHelp
Code: Select all
@echo off
chcp 65001 >nul
timeout 0 >nul
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%A in ('Kernel\batbox /y') do (
set y=%%B
set x=%%A
Kernel\batbox /g %x% %y%
echo █
goto start
Yes, but that just makes it unreadable (it just clears the cmd screen at every moment)
Code: Select all
HWND hConsoleWnd = NULL;
if (AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS)) {
hConsoleWnd = GetConsoleWindow();
} else {
return 1;