This is great! Thanks for making my ask work!
Brings back a lot of memories from the old Tandy 1000 pre-windows batch menu that I used. If I remember correctly that menu had a windows (boxy) look using the ascii borders.
Like these
AutoMenu.bat: simple multi-level menu system (with a coherent help on Windows-DOS commands)
Moderator: DosItHelp
Re: AutoMenu.bat: simple multi-level menu system (with a coherent help on Windows-DOS commands)
In original version 1.4 change these lines (first and last are the same - just to be sure) (lines starting at line 131):
This code uses CHOICE.EXE instead of SET /P. Press 'Y' to continue or 'Q' to quit (return to previous menu).
Code: Select all
set "choice=!choices:~%errorlevel%,1!"
if not "%choice%"=="0" if not "%choice%"=="%LetterToExitMainMenu%" choice.exe /N /C YQ /M "Press Y to continue or Q to Quit: "
if not "%errorlevel%"=="1" exit /B
if not "%level%"=="0" if "%choice%"=="0" exit /B
if "%level%"=="0" if "%choice%"=="%LetterToExitMainMenu%" exit /B
set "option=!option[%choice%]!"