I'm trying to write a batch script that, in sequence:
1) Start an executable (which in this case is "new_emulator.bat", but it is only for example)
2) Controls repeatedly if the process generated from point 1 is still running.
My problem occurs precisely in the control phase, in the only IF present throughout the script (below), because it does not follow the instructions that should perform if the control had successful results, nor what should be performed otherwise ( That is to go back and create another process of the same executable). Please help me, I don't know what to do anymore!
Code: Select all
set /A i=0
set /A i=%i%+1
set windowTitle=singularBot%i%
START "%windowTitle%" C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Nuovo_emulatore.bat
setlocal enableextensions
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ( 'tasklist /FI "WindowTitle eq %windowTitle%*" /NH' ) do ( set riga=%%a )
set riga=%riga:~0,42%
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ( 'tasklist /FI "WindowTitle eq %windowTitle%*" /NH' ) do ( set actual_output=%%a )
set actual_output=%actual_output:~0,42%
timeout /t 4 /nobreak
IF [%riga%] EQU [%actual_output%] (goto stillOpen) ELSE (goto closed)
timeout /t 4 /nobreak
goto anomal_closing_check
goto infinite_loop