Is there a way to close a program with a batch file without directly killing the process.
I want my batch file to close a program but if you kill the task, the next time when you open that application it thinks something bad happened and asks to send some information to the developer. Is there any way to skirt this?
Close program without killing process
Moderator: DosItHelp
Re: Close program without killing process
I don't know another possibility with native batch. But you could try to implement a small VBScript for simulating the short cut "Alt+F4".
Firefox as an example
Firefox as an example
Code: Select all
@echo off &setlocal
set "process=firefox.exe"
for /f "tokens=2" %%i in ('tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq %process%" 2^>nul') do set /a PID=%%i
if defined PID (
>"%temp%\close.vbs" echo Set oSh = WScript.CreateObject^("WScript.Shell"^)
>>"%temp%\close.vbs" echo oSh.AppActivate %PID%
>>"%temp%\close.vbs" echo WScript.Sleep 200
>>"%temp%\close.vbs" echo oSh.SendKeys "%%{F4}"
>>"%temp%\close.vbs" echo Set oSh = Nothing
cscript //nologo "%temp%\close.vbs"
del "%temp%\close.vbs"