here how the file name looks:
835 - is always random
1301150353647 - 130115 YY/MM/DD (also same as last date modified)
00888 - Company(00646,00898,01019,00642,01033,00637)
00021 - Place(00362,06408,06770,00953,01118,00021,00359)
i sometimes do a search to grab the files but theres a lot of files in the folder so it sometimes locks up my pc. Other times i use a batch script like so... which isnt pretty
Code: Select all
rem For each Company i need the place in there own folder as well
rem i only change the month but this code as you can see will be very long
copy /y C:\temp\*.1201*.00646.00362.*" "C:\temp\test\0064600362"
copy /y C:\temp\*.1202*.00646.00362.*" "C:\temp\test\0064600362"
copy /y C:\temp\*.1203*.00646.00362.*" "C:\temp\test\0064600362"
copy /y C:\temp\*.1204*.00646.00362.*" "C:\temp\test\0064600362"
copy /y C:\temp\*.1205*.00646.00362.*" "C:\temp\test\0064600362"
copy /y C:\temp\*.1206*.00646.00362.*" "C:\temp\test\0064600362"
copy /y C:\temp\*.1207*.00646.00362.*" "C:\temp\test\0064600362"
rem repeat same code for next place
copy /y C:\temp\*.1201*.00646.06408.*" "C:\temp\test\0064606408"
copy /y C:\temp\*.1202*.00646.06408.*" "C:\temp\test\0064606408"
copy /y C:\temp\*.1203*.00646.06408.*" "C:\temp\test\0064606408"
copy /y C:\temp\*.1204*.00646.06408.*" "C:\temp\test\0064606408"
copy /y C:\temp\*.1205*.00646.06408.*" "C:\temp\test\0064606408"
copy /y C:\temp\*.1206*.00646.06408.*" "C:\temp\test\0064606408"
copy /y C:\temp\*.1207*.00646.06408.*" "C:\temp\test\0064606408"
rem repeat again for the next place and so on for next company
and help would be great or pointing me to a program that can do this would be great as well.