Anyway this time I want to set a dictionary data type in batch not possible by default.
So I was thinking about some workaround and thought about assigning the values as variables.
I have a sample script here that takes items from one script and sets values from the corrosponding other script.
And it is telling me each time it has a problem "!count! delims=," was unexpected at this time."
I just don't get what is wrong. Any Ideas?
Code: Select all
@echo on
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set font=a,b,c,d,e
set char=apple,ball,cat,dog,elephant
for /f "delims=," %%a in ("%font%") do (
set /a count+=1
for /f "tokens=!count! delims=," %%c in ("%char%") do (
set "%%a=%%c"
set %%a
>nul timeout /nobreak /t -1