I have function that checks what day it is and sets it as a variable for a backup process.
The thing is, when I return to the mains script, the variable it not set.
Also, if i put the SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION just before the call to the function, the function sets the day to Sunday, regardless of what day it is...Why wont SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION work if it's set earlier on in the script?
Code: Select all
::-- This parsing method works independently of any regional settings --::
::-- This works from Windows XP to Windows 2012R2 --::
::-- Adjust DOW variable to the required format ^[i.e. Sat or Saturday^]
SET "DOW=Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday"
FOR /F "tokens=1-9" %%A in ('wmic Path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,DayOfWeek^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Quarter^,Second^,WeekInMonth^,Year ^| FIND /v ""') DO (
SET /A "LINE += 1"
IF "!LINE!"=="1" ( SET "VARA=%%A" & SET "VARB=%%B" & SET "VARC=%%C" & SET "VARD=%%D" & SET "VARE=%%E"
SET "VARF=%%F" & SET "VARG=%%G" & SET "VARH=%%H" & SET "VARI=%%I")
IF "!LINE!"=="2" ( SET "!VARA!=%%A" & SET "!VARB!=%%B" & SET "!VARC!=%%C" & SET "!VARD!=%%D" & SET "!VARE!=%%E"
SET "!VARF!=%%F" & SET "!VARG!=%%G" & SET "!VARH!=%%H" & SET "!VARI!=%%I")
FOR %%A IN (Month Day Hour Minute Second) DO ( IF !%%A! LSS 10 SET %%A=0!%%A!)
SET /A DoWIndex = DayOfWeek + 1
FOR /F "tokens=%DoWIndex%" %%A IN ("%DOW%") DO SET "DOWName=%%A"