I work for an architectural practice I have begun working with Batch Files to create our folder structure for when I new jobs arrives.
We have been working with the following;
@echo off
set /p id="Enter Project Name: " %=%
md "%id%"
md "%id%"\existing
md "%id%"\existing\models
md "%id%"\existing\drawings
md etc...
This seems to be working great to sit on the server for someone to run and create a simple folder structure.
My question is, due to the work we are doing is there anyway to do the following.
\\server\projects\level 0\"%id%"
\\server\projects\level 1\"%id%"
\\server\projects\level 2\"%id%"
Is there anyway to have the batch file in the projects folder then once the batch file is ran, a prompt appears asking which folder the directory wants to be created in, 0, 1 or 2 then once "2" has been entered for example the folder directory is then created in the level 2 directory. Rather than having 3 different .bat files in each level. I thought a simple "if" and "then" statement would work but I am unsure how these work within DOS.
This way we can understand which levels the different projects require.
Hope this makes sense, if not just ask for more information.
Batch Folders
Moderator: DosItHelp
Re: Batch Folders
See the code (I dont know how to properly start this reply!). The rem commands are comments for understanding the code, so you can remove them.
I assume that this batch file is on the "projects" folder.
To learn the details about the IF command, you can type help if in the command prompt.
If I misunderstood something, pls reply.
I assume that this batch file is on the "projects" folder.
Code: Select all
@echo off
set /p "id=Enter Project Name: "
rem New code...
set /p "lev=Level: "
rem Input Filter. If input less than 0, goto newcode to insist another input.
if %lev% lss 0 goto newcode
rem Also, if input greater than 2, goto newcode to insist another input.
if %lev% gtr 2 goto newcode
rem So, the valid numbers are 0,1, and 2. Now, create folders...
md "level %lev%\%id%"
md "level %lev%\%id%\existing"
md "level %lev%\%id%\existing\models"
md "level %lev%\%id%\existing\drawings"
If I misunderstood something, pls reply.