prompts for input, and not close the cmd window. Can this be done?
I searched a little and found no answer. I tried a goto :exitNow but the code flows
from the label that has exit /b, back to where the goto was executed.
The solution must be batch code only, as the goal of my project is to
conquer time (time to deliver a file), space (framed space) and colors, all 16,777,216 of them,
and do it all with batch code.
Here is a test script that I think illustrates my goal to immediately close a batch file
without having to backtrack to the main code level. I do not want to close the cmd
window as this would not be user-friendly.
Code: Select all
@echo off
rem goal: close the batch file from any prompt while keeping cmd window open
echo in main
set "rsp="
set /p "rsp=Press Enter to continue or enter X to exit from main "
If /I "%rsp%" equ "X" exit /b
call :fun1
goto :top
endlocal & exit /b
echo in fun1 .. enter X to immediately exit
set "rsp="
set /p "rsp="
If /I "%rsp%" equ "X" (
echo X was entered--now how do I close the batch file from subroutine?
) Else (
goto :fLoop
endlocal & exit /b