1.) Let you choose your text color
2.) Let you choose your background color
This code is very long, so make sure you copy the whole thing. This was meant so you can put this into your own batch file. So here it is:
Code: Select all
@echo off
REM Type the first jump of your code here:
set start= %flee
@echo off
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the text color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Gray *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Blue *
echo * (2) Green (a) Light Green *
echo * (3) Aqua (b) Light Aqua *
echo * (4) Red (c) Light Red *
echo * (5) Purple (d) Light Purple *
echo * (6) Yellow (e) Light Yellow *
echo * (7) White (f) Bright White *
echo * *
echo * (g) Just use the default colors *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto black
if %choice%==1 goto blue
if %choice%==2 goto green
if %choice%==3 goto aqua
if %choice%==4 goto red
if %choice%==5 goto purple
if %choice%==6 goto yellow
if %choice%==7 goto white
if %choice%==8 goto gray
if %choice%==9 goto lightblue
if %choice%==a goto lightgreen
if %choice%==b goto lightaqua
if %choice%==c goto lightred
if %choice%==d goto lightpurple
if %choice%==e goto lightyellow
if %choice%==f goto brightwhite
if %choice%==g goto default
goto color
color 0a
goto %start%
REM ********************************************************************************
REM ********************************************************************************
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Blue (8) Light Blue *
echo * (1) Green (9) Light Green *
echo * (2) Aqua (a) Light Aqua *
echo * (3) Red (b) Light Red *
echo * (4) Purple (c) Light Purple *
echo * (5) Yellow (d) Light Yellow *
echo * (6) White (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) Gray *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto blackblue
if %choice%==1 goto blackgreen
if %choice%==2 goto blackaqua
if %choice%==3 goto blackred
if %choice%==4 goto blackpurple
if %choice%==5 goto blackyellow
if %choice%==6 goto blackwhite
if %choice%==7 goto blackgray
if %choice%==8 goto blacklightblue
if %choice%==9 goto blacklightgreen
if %choice%==a goto blacklightaqua
if %choice%==b goto blacklightred
if %choice%==c goto blacklightpurple
if %choice%==d goto blacklightyellow
if %choice%==e goto blackbrightwhite
goto black
color 10
goto %start%
color 20
goto %start%
color 30
goto %start%
color 40
goto %start%
color 50
goto %start%
color 60
goto %start%
color 70
goto %start%
color 80
goto %start%
color 90
goto %start%
color a0
goto %start%
color b0
goto %start%
color c0
goto %start%
color d0
goto %start%
color e0
goto %start%
color f0
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Light Blue *
echo * (1) Green (9) Light Green *
echo * (2) Aqua (a) Light Aqua *
echo * (3) Red (b) Light Red *
echo * (4) Purple (c) Light Purple *
echo * (5) Yellow (d) Light Yellow *
echo * (6) White (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) Gray *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto blueblack
if %choice%==1 goto bluegreen
if %choice%==2 goto blueaqua
if %choice%==3 goto bluered
if %choice%==4 goto bluepurple
if %choice%==5 goto blueyellow
if %choice%==6 goto bluewhite
if %choice%==7 goto bluegray
if %choice%==8 goto bluelightblue
if %choice%==9 goto bluelightgreen
if %choice%==a goto bluelightaqua
if %choice%==b goto bluelightred
if %choice%==c goto bluelightpurple
if %choice%==d goto bluelightyellow
if %choice%==e goto bluebrightwhite
goto blue
color 01
goto %start%
color 21
goto %start%
color 31
goto %start%
color 41
goto %start%
color 51
goto %start%
color 61
goto %start%
color 71
goto %start%
color 81
goto %start%
color 91
goto %start%
color a1
goto %start%
color b1
goto %start%
color c1
goto %start%
color d1
goto %start%
color e1
goto %start%
color f1
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Light Blue *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Green *
echo * (2) Aqua (a) Light Aqua *
echo * (3) Red (b) Light Red *
echo * (4) Purple (c) Light Purple *
echo * (5) Yellow (d) Light Yellow *
echo * (6) White (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) Gray *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto greenblack
if %choice%==1 goto greenblue
if %choice%==2 goto greenaqua
if %choice%==3 goto greenred
if %choice%==4 goto greenpurple
if %choice%==5 goto greenyellow
if %choice%==6 goto greenwhite
if %choice%==7 goto greengray
if %choice%==8 goto greenlightblue
if %choice%==9 goto greenlightgreen
if %choice%==a goto greenlightaqua
if %choice%==b goto greenlightred
if %choice%==c goto greenlightpurple
if %choice%==d goto greenlightyellow
if %choice%==e goto greenbrightwhite
goto green
color 02
goto %start%
color 12
goto %start%
color 32
goto %start%
color 42
goto %start%
color 52
goto %start%
color 62
goto %start%
color 72
goto %start%
color 82
goto %start%
color 92
goto %start%
color a2
goto %start%
color b2
goto %start%
color c2
goto %start%
color d2
goto %start%
color e2
goto %start%
color f2
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Light Blue *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Green *
echo * (2) Green (a) Light Aqua *
echo * (3) Red (b) Light Red *
echo * (4) Purple (c) Light Purple *
echo * (5) Yellow (d) Light Yellow *
echo * (6) White (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) Gray *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto aquablack
if %choice%==1 goto aquablue
if %choice%==2 goto aquagreen
if %choice%==3 goto aquared
if %choice%==4 goto aquapurple
if %choice%==5 goto aquayellow
if %choice%==6 goto aquawhite
if %choice%==7 goto aquagray
if %choice%==8 goto aqualightblue
if %choice%==9 goto aqualightgreen
if %choice%==a goto aqualightaqua
if %choice%==b goto aqualightred
if %choice%==c goto aqualightpurple
if %choice%==d goto aqualightyellow
if %choice%==e goto aquabrightwhite
goto aqua
color 03
goto %start%
color 13
goto %start%
color 23
goto %start%
color 43
goto %start%
color 53
goto %start%
color 63
goto %start%
color 73
goto %start%
color 83
goto %start%
color 93
goto %start%
color a3
goto %start%
color b3
goto %start%
color c3
goto %start%
color d3
goto %start%
color e3
goto %start%
color f3
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Light Blue *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Green *
echo * (2) Green (a) Light Aqua *
echo * (3) Aqua (b) Light Red *
echo * (4) Purple (c) Light Purple *
echo * (5) Yellow (d) Light Yellow *
echo * (6) White (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) Gray *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto redblack
if %choice%==1 goto redblue
if %choice%==2 goto redgreen
if %choice%==3 goto redaqua
if %choice%==4 goto redpurple
if %choice%==5 goto redyellow
if %choice%==6 goto redwhite
if %choice%==7 goto redgray
if %choice%==8 goto redlightblue
if %choice%==9 goto redlightgreen
if %choice%==a goto redlightaqua
if %choice%==b goto redlightred
if %choice%==c goto redlightpurple
if %choice%==d goto redlightyellow
if %choice%==e goto redbrightwhite
goto red
color 04
goto %start%
color 14
goto %start%
color 24
goto %start%
color 34
goto %start%
color 54
goto %start%
color 64
goto %start%
color 74
goto %start%
color 84
goto %start%
color 94
goto %start%
color a4
goto %start%
color b4
goto %start%
color c4
goto %start%
color d4
goto %start%
color e4
goto %start%
color f4
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Light Blue *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Green *
echo * (2) Green (a) Light Aqua *
echo * (3) Aqua (b) Light Red *
echo * (4) Red (c) Light Purple *
echo * (5) Yellow (d) Light Yellow *
echo * (6) White (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) Gray *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto purpleblack
if %choice%==1 goto purpleblue
if %choice%==2 goto purplegreen
if %choice%==3 goto purpleaqua
if %choice%==4 goto purplered
if %choice%==5 goto purpleyellow
if %choice%==6 goto purplewhite
if %choice%==7 goto purplegray
if %choice%==8 goto purplelightblue
if %choice%==9 goto purplelightgreen
if %choice%==a goto purplelightaqua
if %choice%==b goto purplelightred
if %choice%==c goto purplelightpurple
if %choice%==d goto purplelightyellow
if %choice%==e goto purplebrightwhite
goto purple
color 05
goto %start%
color 15
goto %start
color 25
goto %start%
color 35
goto %start%
color 45
goto %start%
color 65
goto %start%
color 75
goto %start%
color 85
goto %start%
color 95
goto %start%
color a5
goto %start%
color b5
goto %start%
color c5
goto %start%
color d5
goto %start%
color e5
goto %start%
color f5
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Light Blue *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Green *
echo * (2) Green (a) Light Aqua *
echo * (3) Aqua (b) Light Red *
echo * (4) Red (c) Light Purple *
echo * (5) Purple (d) Light Yellow *
echo * (6) White (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) Gray *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto yellowblack
if %choice%==1 goto yellowblue
if %choice%==2 goto yellowgreen
if %choice%==3 goto yellowaqua
if %choice%==4 goto yellowred
if %choice%==5 goto yellowpurple
if %choice%==6 goto yellowwhite
if %choice%==7 goto yellowgray
if %choice%==8 goto yellowlightblue
if %choice%==9 goto yellowlightgreen
if %choice%==a goto yellowlightaqua
if %choice%==b goto yellowlightred
if %choice%==c goto yellowlightpurple
if %choice%==d goto yellowlightyellow
if %choice%==e goto yellowbrightwhite
goto yellow
color 06
goto %start%
color 16
goto %start%
color 26
goto %start%
color 36
goto %start%
color 46
goto %start%
color 56
goto %start%
color 76
goto %start%
color 86
goto %start%
color 96
goto %start%
color a6
goto %start%
color b6
goto %start%
color c6
goto %start%
color d6
goto %start%
color e6
goto %start%
color f6
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Light Blue *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Green *
echo * (2) Green (a) Light Aqua *
echo * (3) Aqua (b) Light Red *
echo * (4) Red (c) Light Purple *
echo * (5) Purple (d) Light Yellow *
echo * (6) Yellow (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) Gray *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto whiteblack
if %choice%==1 goto whiteblue
if %choice%==2 goto whitegreen
if %choice%==3 goto whiteaqua
if %choice%==4 goto whitered
if %choice%==5 goto whitepurple
if %choice%==6 goto whiteyellow
if %choice%==7 goto whitegray
if %choice%==8 goto whitelightblue
if %choice%==9 goto whitelightgreen
if %choice%==a goto whitelightaqua
if %choice%==b goto whitelightred
if %choice%==c goto whitelightpurple
if %choice%==d goto whitelightyellow
if %choice%==e goto whitebrightwhite
goto white
color 07
goto %start%
color 17
goto %start%
color 27
goto %start%
color 37
goto %start%
color 47
goto %start%
color 57
goto %start%
color 67
goto %start%
color 87
goto %start%
color 97
goto %start%
color a7
goto %start%
color b7
goto %start%
color c7
goto %start%
color d7
goto %start%
color e7
goto %start%
color f7
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Light Blue *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Green *
echo * (2) Green (a) Light Aqua *
echo * (3) Aqua (b) Light Red *
echo * (4) Red (c) Light Purple *
echo * (5) Purple (d) Light Yellow *
echo * (6) Yellow (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) White *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto grayblack
if %choice%==1 goto grayblue
if %choice%==2 goto graygreen
if %choice%==3 goto grayaqua
if %choice%==4 goto grayred
if %choice%==5 goto graypurple
if %choice%==6 goto grayyellow
if %choice%==7 goto graywhite
if %choice%==8 goto graylightblue
if %choice%==9 goto graylightgreen
if %choice%==a goto graylightaqua
if %choice%==b goto graylightred
if %choice%==c goto graylightpurple
if %choice%==d goto graylightyellow
if %choice%==e goto graybrightwhite
goto gray
color 08
goto %start%
color 18
goto %start%
color 28
goto %start%
color 38
goto %start%
color 48
goto %start%
color 58
goto %start%
color 68
goto %start%
color 78
goto %start%
color 98
goto %start%
color a8
goto %start%
color b8
goto %start%
color c8
goto %start%
color d8
goto %start%
color e8
goto %start%
color f8
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Gray *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Green *
echo * (2) Green (a) Light Aqua *
echo * (3) Aqua (b) Light Red *
echo * (4) Red (c) Light Purple *
echo * (5) Purple (d) Light Yellow *
echo * (6) Yellow (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) White *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto lightblueblack
if %choice%==1 goto lightblueblue
if %choice%==2 goto lightbluegreen
if %choice%==3 goto lightblueaqua
if %choice%==4 goto lightbluered
if %choice%==5 goto lightbluepurple
if %choice%==6 goto lightblueyellow
if %choice%==7 goto lightbluewhite
if %choice%==8 goto lightbluegray
if %choice%==9 goto lightbluelightgreen
if %choice%==a goto lightbluelightaqua
if %choice%==b goto lightbluelightred
if %choice%==c goto lightbluelightpurple
if %choice%==d goto lightbluelightyellow
if %choice%==e goto lightbluebrightwhite
goto lightblue
color 09
goto %start%
color 19
goto %start%
color 29
goto %start%
color 39
goto %start%
color 49
goto %start%
color 59
goto %start%
color 69
goto %start%
color 79
goto %start%
color 89
goto %start%
color a9
goto %start%
color b9
goto %start%
color c9
goto %start%
color d9
goto %start%
color e9
goto %start%
color f9
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Gray *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Blue *
echo * (2) Green (a) Light Aqua *
echo * (3) Aqua (b) Light Red *
echo * (4) Red (c) Light Purple *
echo * (5) Purple (d) Light Yellow *
echo * (6) Yellow (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) White *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto lightgreenblack
if %choice%==1 goto lightgreenblue
if %choice%==2 goto lightgreengreen
if %choice%==3 goto lightgreenaqua
if %choice%==4 goto lightgreenred
if %choice%==5 goto lightgreenpurple
if %choice%==6 goto lightgreenyellow
if %choice%==7 goto lightgreenwhite
if %choice%==8 goto lightgreengray
if %choice%==9 goto lightgreenlightblue
if %choice%==a goto lightgreenlightaqua
if %choice%==b goto lightgreenlightred
if %choice%==c goto lightgreenlightpurple
if %choice%==d goto lightgreenlightyellow
if %choice%==e goto lightgreenbrightwhite
goto lightgreen
color 0a
goto %start%
color 1a
goto %start%
color 2a
goto %start%
color 3a
goto %start%
color 4a
goto %start%
color 5a
goto %start%
color 6a
goto %start%
color 7a
goto %start%
color 8a
goto %start%
color 9a
goto %start%
color ba
goto %start%
color ca
goto %start%
color da
goto %start%
color ea
goto %start%
color fa
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Gray *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Blue *
echo * (2) Green (a) Light Green *
echo * (3) Aqua (b) Light Red *
echo * (4) Red (c) Light Purple *
echo * (5) Purple (d) Light Yellow *
echo * (6) Yellow (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) White *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto lightaquablack
if %choice%==1 goto lightaquablue
if %choice%==2 goto lightaquagreen
if %choice%==3 goto lightaquaaqua
if %choice%==4 goto lightaquared
if %choice%==5 goto lightaquapurple
if %choice%==6 goto lightaquayellow
if %choice%==7 goto lightaquawhite
if %choice%==8 goto lightaquagray
if %choice%==9 goto lightaqualightblue
if %choice%==a goto lightaqualightgreen
if %choice%==b goto lightaqualightred
if %choice%==c goto lightaqualightpurple
if %choice%==d goto lightaqualightyellow
if %choice%==e goto lightaquabrightwhite
goto lightaqua
color 0b
goto %start%
color 1b
goto %start%
color 2b
goto %start%
color 3b
goto %start%
color 4b
goto %start%
color 5b
goto %start%
color 6b
goto %start%
color 7b
goto %start%
color 8b
goto %start%
color 9b
goto %start%
color ab
goto %start%
color cb
goto %start%
color db
goto %start%
color eb
goto %start%
color fb
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Gray *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Blue *
echo * (2) Green (a) Light Green *
echo * (3) Aqua (b) Light Aqua *
echo * (4) Red (c) Light Purple *
echo * (5) Purple (d) Light Yellow *
echo * (6) Yellow (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) White *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto lightredblack
if %choice%==1 goto lightredblue
if %choice%==2 goto lightredgreen
if %choice%==3 goto lightredaqua
if %choice%==4 goto lightredred
if %choice%==5 goto lightredpurple
if %choice%==6 goto lightredyellow
if %choice%==7 goto lightredwhite
if %choice%==8 goto lightredgray
if %choice%==9 goto lightredlightblue
if %choice%==a goto lightredlightgreen
if %choice%==b goto lightredlightaqua
if %choice%==c goto lightredlightpurple
if %choice%==d goto lightredlightyellow
if %choice%==e goto lightredbrightwhite
goto lightred
color 0c
goto %start%
color 1c
goto %start%
color 2c
goto %start%
color 3c
goto %start%
color 4c
goto %start%
color 5c
goto %start%
color 6c
goto %start%
color 7c
goto %start%
color 8c
goto %start%
color 9c
goto %start%
color ac
goto %start%
color bc
goto %start%
color dc
goto %start%
color ec
goto %start%
color fc
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Gray *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Blue *
echo * (2) Green (a) Light Green *
echo * (3) Aqua (b) Light Aqua *
echo * (4) Red (c) Light Red *
echo * (5) Purple (d) Light Yellow *
echo * (6) Yellow (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) White *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto lightpurpleblack
if %choice%==1 goto lightpurpleblue
if %choice%==2 goto lightpurplegreen
if %choice%==3 goto lightpurpleaqua
if %choice%==4 goto lightpurplered
if %choice%==5 goto lightpurplepurple
if %choice%==6 goto lightpurpleyellow
if %choice%==7 goto lightpurplewhite
if %choice%==8 goto lightpurplegray
if %choice%==9 goto lightpurplelightblue
if %choice%==a goto lightpurplelightgreen
if %choice%==b goto lightpurplelightaqua
if %choice%==c goto lightpurplelightred
if %choice%==d goto lightpurplelightyellow
if %choice%==e goto lightpurplebrightwhite
goto lightpurple
color 0d
goto %start%
color 1d
goto %start%
color 2d
goto %start%
color 3d
goto %start%
color 4d
goto %start%
color 5d
goto %start%
color 6d
goto %start%
color 7d
goto %start%
color 8d
goto %start%
color 9d
goto %start%
color ad
goto %start%
color bd
goto %start%
color cd
goto %start%
color ed
goto %start%
color fd
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Gray *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Blue *
echo * (2) Green (a) Light Green *
echo * (3) Aqua (b) Light Aqua *
echo * (4) Red (c) Light Red *
echo * (5) Purple (d) Light Purple *
echo * (6) Yellow (e) Bright White *
echo * (7) White *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto lightyellowblack
if %choice%==1 goto lightyellowblue
if %choice%==2 goto lightyellowgreen
if %choice%==3 goto lightyellowaqua
if %choice%==4 goto lightyellowred
if %choice%==5 goto lightyellowpurple
if %choice%==6 goto lightyellowyellow
if %choice%==7 goto lightyellowwhite
if %choice%==8 goto lightyellowgray
if %choice%==9 goto lightyellowlightblue
if %choice%==a goto lightyellowlightgreen
if %choice%==b goto lightyellowlightaqua
if %choice%==c goto lightyellowlightred
if %choice%==d goto lightyellowlightpurple
if %choice%==e goto lightyellowbrightwhite
goto lightyellow
color 0e
goto %start%
color 1e
goto %start%
color 2e
goto %start%
color 3e
goto %start%
color 4e
goto %start%
color 5e
goto %start%
color 6e
goto %start%
color 7e
goto %start%
color 8e
goto %start%
color 9e
goto %start%
color ae
goto %start%
color be
goto %start%
color ce
goto %start%
color de
goto %start%
color fe
goto %start%
echo ****************************************************
echo * Select the background color of the program *
echo * *
echo * (0) Black (8) Gray *
echo * (1) Blue (9) Light Blue *
echo * (2) Green (a) Light Green *
echo * (3) Aqua (b) Light Aqua *
echo * (4) Red (c) Light Red *
echo * (5) Purple (d) Light Purple *
echo * (6) Yellow (e) Light Yellow *
echo * (7) White *
echo * *
echo * Please select your color scheme *
echo ****************************************************
set /p choice=
if %choice%==0 goto brightwhiteblack
if %choice%==1 goto brightwhiteblue
if %choice%==2 goto brightwhitegreen
if %choice%==3 goto brightwhiteaqua
if %choice%==4 goto brightwhitered
if %choice%==5 goto brightwhitepurple
if %choice%==6 goto brightwhiteyellow
if %choice%==7 goto brightwhitewhite
if %choice%==8 goto brightwhitegray
if %choice%==9 goto brightwhitelightblue
if %choice%==a goto brightwhitelightgreen
if %choice%==b goto brightwhitelightaqua
if %choice%==c goto brightwhitelightred
if %choice%==d goto brightwhitelightpurple
if %choice%==e goto brightwhitelightyellow
goto brightwhite
color 0f
goto %start%
color 1f
goto %start%
color 2f
goto %start%
color 3f
goto %start%
color 4f
goto %start%
color 5f
goto %start%
color 6f
goto %start%
color 7f
goto %start%
color 8f
goto %start%
color 9f
goto %start%
color af
goto %start%
color bf
goto %start%
color cf
goto %start%
color df
goto %start%
color ef
goto %start%
PS: yes i know i have no life, please don't comment saying it