I have the following code
set inputfile=c:\hostnames.txt
set psexecdir=c:\pstools\psexec.exe
set outputfile=c:\output.log
for /f %%i in (%inputfile%) do %psexecdir% -i 0 -s -accepteula \\%%i cmd.exe /c "\\server\program.exe -f -v" >> %outputfile% 2>&1
After each computer in hostnames.txt before it moves onto the next computer i get a "Terminate Batch Job Y\N". This is very annoying. Is there a way to prevent the Terminate Batch Job from coming up and just continue down my computer list?
Terminate Batch Job Y\N
Moderator: DosItHelp
Re: Terminate Batch Job Y\N
I would assume it is because of the -i option. Why do you need it to interact?
Did you try using the -d option?
Did you try using the -d option?
Re: Terminate Batch Job Y\N
I thought i needed that for PSEXEC. Do i not need it?