Here is a code example I will use, than I shall explain what each command does;
Code: Select all
@ECHO off
SET /P OPT=Which option would you like?
ECHO 1) Calculator
ECHO 2) Timer
ECHO 3) Exit
IF %OPT%==1 GOTO :Calculator
IF %OPT%==2 GOTO :Timer
IF %OPT%==3 GOTO :Exit
REM "Code for Calculator"
ECHO %time%
Ok so I will explain...
You need to create a variable using "SET". Than the "/P" is saying to the file, Pause and wait for a response from the user.
The "Echo" 's allow you to see the options.
The "%OPT%" variable is what you created in the beginning, allowing you to use that as code.
The "==" basically means, if you type that digit "1/2/3" into the line that says:
Code: Select all
SET /P OPT=Which option would you like?
... Than that is the answer you decide and want to select.
The "GOTO" command, sends you to whatever point you want, i.e ":Exit".
That's how you can make an Option Menu. You can change the code to your liking, and use it for your own batch files.
Have fun and enjoy...
.Batch Artist.