Still playing with VT100 because honestly it's extremely fun.
After doing some research I found you could use RGB colors as well!
All of the magic happens with this line
Code: Select all
<nul set /p "=ESC[38;2;R;G;Bm TEXT" ESC[0m
Still researching to see if it will do HSL. That would be very cool!
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!
Code: Select all
@echo off & setlocal enableDelayedExpansion & mode 80,15
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E^| cmd') do set "ESC=%%a"
set "s=/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\"
for /l %%a in (0,1,10) do ( for /l %%c in (0,1,77) do (
set /a "r=255 - (%%c * 255 / 76)", "g=(%%c * 510 / 76)", "b=(%%c * 255 / 76)"
if !g! gtr 255 set /a "g=510 - g"
<nul set /p "=%ESC%[38;2;!r!;!g!;!b!m!s:~0,1!"%ESC%[0m
set "s=!s:~1!!s:~3,1!"
pause & exit