Hi. I am new to this site. I am a programmer who has been messing with this stuff since my first computer when I was 'but a youth', a Timex Sinclair with a Z80 chip. lol. I now have a wonderful laptop with a nice quad core i7 chip, Win 8.1, 1TB of HD space, 12 GB RAM, etc. And I have installed VirtualBox and muddled my way through installing DOS 6.22. I managed to get my mouse working. I got 4DOS installed and actually got DESQview working as well. I also found an old copy of Turbo C 2.01 and then Borland C++ 3.1 (much better

). Anyhow, it has been fun revisiting the old software and honing my C/C++ skills.
Is this site only for batch programming? Or is this topic ok here? I do have a lot of questions about improving my DOS installation in the VM including folder sharing with the host system, network connectivity, etc. I have installed openSUSE Linux and Ubuntu Linux as well and these OS's work very well in VB. But DOS seems to be running in never-never land and things like accessing host NTFS file systems, accessing network resources, etc. seem to be void from its being. lol.
Anyhow, anyone else do this?