** UPDATED with color support! Link to color demos:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/x2i1etf0f9ljp4t/StateOfTheArt.7z (run sota.bat)
http://www.mediafire.com/download/2mvtjtckpgj5akj/LickWeed.7z (run Lickweed.bat)
http://www.mediafire.com/download/19va0b5zkx27gqr/SmackMyBitchUp.7z (run smbu.bat)
I saw and liked this link by Honguito98 (taking a movie file and converting it into text frames that can be printed like a movie in the console window):
especially this:
but I couldn't find any actual scripts, only downloads seemed to be the demos themselves, with a huge binary r3d file.
So anyway... I decided to recreate the steps in the thread and create a script to make these things.
Download link http://www.mediafire.com/download/cxta2zpdqkuz1x7/mov2txt.zip
This archive contains a compiled version of jp2a, because I could not find a Windows binary and had to compile it myself, so I wanted to save you the headache. I hope this is ok, license files for jp2a are still in there.
What you also need for this is to download and install ffmpeg if you don't have it.
The archive also contains a 10 second test I made from a video file. To play it, type
mode 120,45&playm2t.bat c7
The script to create these things is called mov2txt.bat. Example usage to make the example movie:
mov2txt.bat c7.avi /ST 3:45 /TD 10 /CS 1 6 6 /W 120
..which takes the movie c7.avi, starting from 3:45 into the movie and 10 seconds ahead, with output Width 120 and using CharSet number 1, with blackness increased by 6 and whiteness increased by 6 (this essentially means contrast in the output is increased)
This creates the folder c7, with jpg and txt files.
Once the folder with images is created, the video to image extraction can be skipped by adding /SKIPEXTRACT to the line. This is useful for playing around with different CS charsets/contrast, or testing any /EXTRAS