Generating .pdf files with batch?
Moderator: DosItHelp
Re: Generating .pdf files with batch?
Great, Steffen!
Re: Generating .pdf files with batch?
Thanks for your feedback, Saso!
For those of you guys who want to see the uncompressed human-readable code I'd like to add it to this thread, too.
Do not use it! It's ~25% slower for lines that contain tabs and still ~10% slower for files that don't contain tabs. ( rather use viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8289&start=15#p55139 )
For those of you guys who want to see the uncompressed human-readable code I'd like to add it to this thread, too.
Do not use it! It's ~25% slower for lines that contain tabs and still ~10% slower for files that don't contain tabs. ( rather use viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8289&start=15#p55139 )
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Re: Generating .pdf files with batch?
einstein1969 posted a version which is both readable and fast. Thanks!
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Re: Generating .pdf files with batch?
Wow! Great! Thanks to you both! Works great. Of course there is still a problem with our national characters. Steffen: do your umlaut letters for example get enconded successfully?
Re: Generating .pdf files with batch?
I've been never able to get around the limitation of supporting Windows-1252 only. That's kind of the default for PDF. I don't know how to get Unicode support, sorry.
Re: Generating .pdf files with batch?
Yes, PDF specification says that special characters should be embedded (fonts I think). Not easy to do.
Anyway. Einstein's solution is great, too.
Anyway. Einstein's solution is great, too.
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Re: Generating .pdf files with batch?
This version on my system passed from 43sec to 11sec (4X)
I have insert the subs inline and changed the strlen into macro faster version
I have insert the subs inline and changed the strlen into macro faster version
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Re: Generating .pdf files with batch?
there is a very strange thing, you can check that you have more experience.
if I transform the tab_iter into this:
and I insert it in the block with the set / P (I avoid the CALL) the execution time of the batch doubles! I do not understand why'....
if I transform the tab_iter into this:
Code: Select all
set i=0
For /L %%. in (1,1,1250) do (
if !i! lss !len! (
set /a "nxt=!i!+1"
for %%I in (!i!) do (
if "!ln:~%%I,1!"=="%tab%" (
set /a "d=0-(%%I %% tabWidth)+tabWidth, e=nxt, nxt+=d-1, len+=d-1"
for /f "tokens=1,2" %%D in ("!d! !e!") do set "ln=!ln:~0,%%I!!spcs:~0,%%D!!ln:~%%E!"
set /a i=nxt
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Re: Generating .pdf files with batch?
last version. I have inline strlen. Last code 8sec on my laptop
Code: Select all
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Premere un tasto per continuare . . .
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Re: Generating .pdf files with batch?
I understand why: it is called thousands of times and actually did about 1000 * 1000 if uselesseinstein1969 wrote: ↑23 Oct 2022 12:50there is a very strange thing, you can check that you have more experience.
if I transform the tab_iter into this:and I insert it in the block with the set / P (I avoid the CALL) the execution time of the batch doubles! I do not understand why'....Code: Select all
set i=0 For /L %%. in (1,1,1250) do ( if !i! lss !len! ( set /a "nxt=!i!+1" for %%I in (!i!) do ( if "!ln:~%%I,1!"=="%tab%" ( set /a "d=0-(%%I %% tabWidth)+tabWidth, e=nxt, nxt+=d-1, len+=d-1" for /f "tokens=1,2" %%D in ("!d! !e!") do set "ln=!ln:~0,%%I!!spcs:~0,%%D!!ln:~%%E!" ) ) set /a i=nxt ) )
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Re: Generating .pdf files with batch?
there was a wrong version in the zip I corrected and redid the tests. last version 10X
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long code (einstein latest 3)
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Re: Generating .pdf files with batch?
I have made further progress.
I calculated the maximum expansion of the tabs and brought the tab_iter into the main loop. No more / repeat..until loops
I have minimized the Sets and the calls to the strlen.
I have added comments
doubled the size of the txt, now it's 646KB.
Execution time dropped by 20% since last code. From 200 sec to 16 sec on my laptop. 13X
have a coffee during the tests ...
the fastest version is "txt2pdf_long5.bat"
I calculated the maximum expansion of the tabs and brought the tab_iter into the main loop. No more / repeat..until loops
I have minimized the Sets and the calls to the strlen.
I have added comments
doubled the size of the txt, now it's 646KB.
Execution time dropped by 20% since last code. From 200 sec to 16 sec on my laptop. 13X
have a coffee during the tests ...
Code: Select all
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Elapsed 206.4 sec.
long code
Elapsed 222.9 sec.
einstein code
Elapsed 127.8 sec.
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long code (einstein latest 4)
Elapsed 16.0 sec.
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Re: Generating .pdf files with batch?
Thanks! Will check.
In the mean time I checked the .pdf reference again. I still don't have a solution to embed a font (only characters I need) to the .pdf. Maybe one day.
In the mean time I checked the .pdf reference again. I still don't have a solution to embed a font (only characters I need) to the .pdf. Maybe one day.