In this version ver. 0.1.0 you can find a decoration of point of sphere and use an pseudo array of variables for overcome the 8k limit of dos batch
Code: Select all
@echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: Porting By Francesco Poscetti aka einstein1969
:: Use raster font 8x8, save in utf8
:: v 0.1.0 29/04/2023 Bigger sphere point/Point Decoration, better autotune algoritms
:: v 0.0.3 update sin code, use vt100, , use bullet ·
:: code optimization for faster execution,
:: auto tune number of points for dinamic resolution based on pc performance (static)
:: better zbuffer, break near infinite loop by jeb.
:: v 0.0.2 passed from 16.6 FPS to ~20.0 FPS
:: Variables enigma:
:: _R = Sphere radius
:: rt = Rotation angle
:: ds = Distance Z of sphere
:: _dx,_dy = Offset x,y of projecting coordinates in 2D plane.
:: sx,cx = Sine, cosine of rotation angle
:: a,b,c = Rotation coordinate 3D
:: a,b = X,Y coordinate of projecting 3D to 2D
:: c = Z coordinate
:: Ref:
title Sphere 3D
set /a _cols=120, _lines=90
mode %_cols%,%_lines%
set /a _cols-=2, _lines-=2
rem utf 8
chcp 65001 >nul
for /F %%a in ('Echo(prompt $E^| cmd') Do Set _ESC=%%a
echo Select the maximum speed. Choose a number between 1 and 9 where:
echo 1 = 50.0 FPS (Frame Per Second) Very Fast, few sphere point
echo 2 = 33.3 FPS
echo 3 = 25.0 FPS
echo 4 = 20.0 FPS
echo 5 = 16.6 FPS
echo 6 = 14.2 FPS
echo 7 = 12.5 FPS
echo 8 = 11.1 FPS
echo 9 = 10.0 FPS Slow, high number of sphere point
choice /M "Select the maximum speed. Choose a number between 1 and 9 where 1 very fast and 9 slow. Default [4] ?" /D 4 /C 123456789 /T 8 /N
if %errorlevel% gtr 0 (set /a _dT=%errorlevel%+1, _FPS=100/_dT) else goto :ChoiceLabel
for /F "Tokens=1 delims==" %%v in ('set') do set "%%v="
set /a "_cols=%_cols%, _lines=%_lines%"
set "_ESC=%_ESC%"
set "_dT=%_dT%"
set "_FPS=%_FPS%"
set "_loop=FOR /L %%# in (1,1,2) do "
%_loop%%_loop% set "_loop=!_loop!!_loop!!_loop!"
:: check pc performance. Return var "ms"
call :perf
set "_SIN(x)=(a=((x)%%62832)+(((x)%%62832)>>31&62832), b=(a-15708^a-47124)>>31,a=(-a&b)+(a&~b)+(31416&b)+(-62832&(47123-a>>31)),a-a*a/1875*a/320000+a*a/1875*a/15625*a/16000*a/2560000-a*a/1875*a/15360*a/15625*a/15625*a/16000*a/44800000)"
:: Main loop
:: Hide the cursor
<nul set /p "=%_ESC%[?25l"
set /a "_R=160, _dx=_cols/2, _dy=_lines/2, _dz=4000, _ndx=6, ds=0, rt=0, i=1"
for /L %%L in () do (
%= Prepare for faster dinamic execution =%
set /a "_ndy=_ndx/2, _stepx=62832/_ndx, _stepy=31416/_ndy"
%= rainbow colors =%
set /a H=0, dH=359/_ndx, V=10000
for /L %%C in (1,1,!_ndx!) do (
set /a "mm = (H*10000/60 %% 20000) - 10000, mm=(mm>>31|1)*mm, C = V, X = C *(10000 - mm)/10000, C=C*255/10000, X=X*255/10000"
if !H! lss 60 (set /a R=C, G=X, B=0) else (
if !H! lss 120 (set /a R=X, G=C, B=0) else (
if !H! lss 180 (set /a R=0, G=C, B=X) else (
if !H! lss 240 (set /a R=0, G=X, B=C) else (
if !H! lss 300 (set /a R=X, G=0, B=C) else (
if !H! lss 360 (set /a R=C, G=0, B=X) else (echo ERROR!)
%= compute for 216 color map =%
set /A "C_%%C=((R-35)/40+((R-48)>>8)-((R-75)>>8))*36 + ((G-35)/40+((G-48)>>8)-((G-75)>>8))*6 + ((B-35)/40+((B-48)>>8)-((B-75)>>8)) + 16"
set /A H+=dH
%= Empty vars =%
rem cambiare nome per auto clean con for
set "X=" & set "V=" & set "G=" & set "R=" & set "C=" & set "B=" & set "mm=" & set "dH=" & set "H="
%= meridians =%
set /a "angle=0"
set "_X="
for /L %%X in (1,1,!_ndx!) do (
set /A "sx=%_SIN(x):x=angle%, cx=%_SIN(x):x=(15708-angle)%, angle+=_stepx"
set "_X=!_X!"!sx! !cx!" "
%= parallels =%
set /a "angle=_stepy"
set "_Y="
for /L %%X in (2,1,!_ndy!) do (
set /A "sx=%_SIN(x):x=angle%, cx=%_SIN(x):x=(15708-angle)%, angle+=_stepy"
set "_Y=!_Y!"!sx! !cx!" "
set "angle="
%= Poles 0-pi =%
set /A "sx=%_SIN(x):x=0%, cx=%_SIN(x):x=(15708)%"
set "_PX="!sx! !cx!""
set "_PY="!sx! !cx!" "
set /A "sx=%_SIN(x):x=31416%, cx=%_SIN(x):x=(15708-31416)%"
set "_PY=!_PY!"!sx! !cx!""
call :rotate
set /a _ndx+=2
goto :eof
%= *Φ•○♥øo█ =%
set "_DEC=♥"
rem remove this rem for bigger spere point
rem set "_DEC=█%_ESC%[A█\%_ESC%[D%_ESC%[B█%_ESC%[B%_ESC%[2D█/%_ESC%[3D\%_ESC%[2A%_ESC%[D/%_ESC%[B○"
for /F "Tokens=1 delims==" %%v in ('set _') do set "%%v="
%= clear screen and go cursor in 1,1-Home =%
set/p "=%_ESC%[2J%_ESC%[H"<nul
%_loop% (
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("!time: =0!") do set /a "t2=(((1%%a*60)+1%%b)*60+1%%c)*100+1%%d-36610100, tD=t2-t1, tD+=(tD>>31) & 8640000, el+=1"
%= 2=50 FPS max, 3=33 FPS max, 4=25 FPS max, 5=20 FPS max and so on... =%
if !tD! geq %_dT% (
%= Full loop rt=(120)*31416/60 or multiple of 120 =%
set /a "t1=t2, rt+=31416/60, il+=1, fc+=1"
rem every sec_elaps (sec_elaps:100=elt/1000000:x) x=elt/1000000*100/sec_elaps -> x=elt/10000/sec_elaps
set /a "sec_elaps=1, step=%_FPS%*sec_elaps"
if !fc! geq !step! (
set /a "elaps=(t2-oldt), FPS=1000*fc/elaps, oldt=t2, fc=0, elt=micros*el/10, percCPUfree=elt/10000/sec_elaps"
title Sphere 3D - FPS:!FPS:~0,-1!.!FPS:~-1! - splits:%_ndx% - CPU free=!percCPUfree!%% [on single core]
%= on 7 percent cpu free or more, increase numbor of point =%
if !percCPUfree! gtr 6 goto :exit_rotate
set /a "il=el=0"
set "elaps="
set "FPS="
set "Step="
set "sec_elaps=1"
if !ds! lss 1000 (set /a ds+=10)
%= Cos(x)=Sin(PI/2-x) =%
set /A "sx=%_SIN(x):x=rt%, cx=%_SIN(x):x=(15708-rt)%"
For /f "tokens=1,2" %%a in ("!sx! !cx!") do (
set "cx=" & set "sx="
set "s=!s!%_ESC%[92m"
for /L %%G in (1,1,%_ndx%) do set "e[%%G]=!e[%%G]!%_ESC%[30m"
%= Bright Foreground Red =%
set "t[1]=!t[1]!%_ESC%[91m"
%= Poles =%
for %%f in (%_PX%) do for /f "tokens=1,2" %%g in (%%f) do (
for %%t in (%_PY%) do for /f "tokens=1,2" %%u in (%%t) do (
set /a "a=%_R%*%%h/10000*%%u/10000, c=%_R%*%%g/10000*%%u/10000, b=%_R%*%%v/10000, a=(a*%%b/10000-(b*%%a+c*%%b)/10000*%%a/10000)*%%b/10000-(b*%%b-c*%%a)/10000*%%a/10000, b=(%_R%*%%h/10000*%%u/10000*%%b/10000-(b*%%a+c*%%b)/10000*%%a/10000)*%%a/10000+(b*%%b-c*%%a)/10000*%%b/10000, c=%_R%*%%h/10000*%%u/10000*%%a/10000+(%_R%*%%v/10000*%%a+c*%%b)/10000*%%b/10000, a=ds*a/(c-%_dz%)+%_dx%, b=ds*b/(c-%_dz%)+%_dy%"
if !c! lss 0 (
set "s=!s!%_ESC%[!b!;!a!H·"
) else (
set "d=!d!%_ESC%[!b!;!a!H%_DEC%"
set /A "z=1"
%= meridians =%
for %%f in (%_X%) do for /f "tokens=1,2" %%g in (%%f) do (
For %%C in (!z!) do set "t[%%C]=!t[%%C]!%_ESC%[38;5;!C_%%C!m"
%= parallels =%
for %%t in (%_Y%) do for /f "tokens=1,2" %%u in (%%t) do (
set /a "a=%_R%*%%h/10000*%%u/10000, c=%_R%*%%g/10000*%%u/10000, b=%_R%*%%v/10000, a=(a*%%b/10000-(b*%%a+c*%%b)/10000*%%a/10000)*%%b/10000-(b*%%b-c*%%a)/10000*%%a/10000, b=(%_R%*%%h/10000*%%u/10000*%%b/10000-(b*%%a+c*%%b)/10000*%%a/10000)*%%a/10000+(b*%%b-c*%%a)/10000*%%b/10000, c=%_R%*%%h/10000*%%u/10000*%%a/10000+(%_R%*%%v/10000*%%a+c*%%b)/10000*%%b/10000, a=ds*a/(c-%_dz%)+%_dx%, b=ds*b/(c-%_dz%)+%_dy%"
if !c! lss 0 (
set "s=!s!%_ESC%[!b!;!a!H·"
) else (
set "d=!d!%_ESC%[!b!;!a!H%_DEC%"
) %= parallels =%
for %%G in (!z!) do (
set "t[%%G]=!t[%%G]!!d!"
set "e[%%G]=!e[%%G]!!d!"
set "d="
set /A z+=1
) %= meridians =%
%= intrinsic cls =%
%= echo zbuffer like, keep separate to overcome 8k limit =%
for /L %%G in (1,1,%_ndx%) do echo(%_ESC%M!t[%%G]!
set "s=!s! "
for /L %%G in (1,1,%_ndx%) do (
set "t[%%G]=!e[%%G]! "
%= keep space for empty "t" =%
set "e[%%G]= "
%= Foreground Black =%
set s=!s:92m=30m!
set /a i+=1
if !i! geq 3 (
set "s=!s:* =!"
for /L %%G in (1,1,%_ndx%) do set "t[%%G]=!t[%%G]:* =!"
) %= if !tD! geq _dT =%
) %= end_loop =%
(endlocal & set /a rt=%rt%, ds=%ds%)
goto :eof
:perf return microsec*10
echo Testing your cpu Speed. Wait for Turbo Boost ...
set "a=0"
set /a "i=1"
set "csSec=!time:~-2!"
set cs=%time:~-1%
if %time:~-1% equ %cs% goto :sync
:: while loop
%_loop% (
if !time:~-2! neq %csSec% (
set /a "i+=1"
) else goto :exit_while1
set /a "a+=1"
:: two second is enough for Turbo Boost?
if !a! lss 2 goto loop_a
:: Calculate timing of external loop (el)
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("!time: =0!") do set /a "t1=(((1%%a*60)+1%%b)*60+1%%c)*100+1%%d-36610100"
set "_dT=1000"
for /L %%L in (1,1,!i!) do (
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("!time: =0!") do set /a "t2=(((1%%a*60)+1%%b)*60+1%%c)*100+1%%d-36610100, tD=t2-t1, tD+=(tD>>31) & 8640000, el+=1"
if !tD! geq %_dT% rem
rem calculate microsecond time * 10 (rounded)
set /A micros=(td*1000000/i+5)/10
(endlocal & set micros=%micros%)
goto :eof