I solved one error for you, but I am not the 'solving other peoples problems' kind of guy.
More like the 'hint' one.
Code: Select all
@echo off
set var=for %%a in (deltaairlines) do set var=%%a
set ser=a b c
for /d %%e in (%ser%) do set ser=%%e:\
echo.%var%^&%var% &echo.%var% &&for %%x in (airforce) do set val=%%x
set val=/%val:~-5,-4%&&set qua=quality
set qua=/%qua:~-7,-6%
set /a num=13+19
for /d %%- in (control sytem) do set why=%%-
for /f "tokens=1*" %%x in ("window washers of the world unite") do set win=%%x&set nxt=%%y
set nxt=%nxt:~-20,-19%
%val% %qua%^
exit /b
You don't understand some important rules yet.
What do u think this means ?
first you skip a line, then you continue it ? so eventiually you get this
That is not a valid command.
Code: Select all
setvar wordt niet herkend als een interne
of externe opdracht, programma of batchbestand.
Druk op een toets om door te gaan. . .
Did you had your cup of coffee yet
Ooo this is coming back at me